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I'm finally 24!

It's been 17 years since I've last seen my father. The only memory I have of him is when he slapped my mother in the face. Every time I think about it, it makes me angry but something strange happened that same day. After I saw my father slap my mother in the face, I ran to my room crying however I saw a tall man sitting on my bed.

-Strange Man: "Come here. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you cry. Everything is going to be fine!"

Is what he said to me that night while he was hugging me.

-Strange man: "I'll protect you from now on"

That was the last thing I remember.

What's even worst is that I don't even remember his face at all! I just know that he was a pretty tall man.

Ever since that happened, I haven't gotten hurt... well physically. Whenever I would do something stupid as a child, I would get this pain in my head. It was kinda like a warning, telling me to stop whenever I would do something very dangerous or stupid. I still don't know if it's that same guy protecting me or I'm just lucky. Lol.

-Mom: "So what do you want to do for your birthday?" *Said Y/N mom while she was counting cash in the kitchen table*
-Y/N: "The same thing as always!" *Sits down with her mother*
-Mom: "Oh come on honey. We still have a little bit of cash left. We can go get you a small cake and a candle!" *Holds Y/N's hand*

Oh! and did I mention that my dad left me and my mother without any money besides $800...

-Y/N: "It's fine mom" *Smiles* "I still have $1,000 saved from my job" *Looks at the clock on the wall* "Shoot! I have to get to work!"

I quickly ran to my bedroom and grabbed a letter from a shoe box where I keep my private stuff. I ran to the living room and gave my mother a kiss goodbye in the cheek.

-Mom: "Please be careful honey!" *Yells at Y/N while she was opening the door*
-Y/N: "I will! And please don't get a cake from the bakery! I'll be fine without a cake" *Chuckles*

I quickly grabbed the bike that was leaning besides the outside wall of my house and rode it to the postal service box. I shove my letter inside the box and left. As I was heading to my work place, I thought about my mother. I never went a day without thinking about my mother.
I felt bad that she wanted to get me a cake and I said not too but we couldn't afford to waste any more money. We don't even have enough money for a car which scares me.
The past 10 years, I've been saving money. I used to have about $2,000,000 in my bank account 6 years ago but somehow my father found out about it and wasted about $1,950,300. Now I only have $49,700.

I hated my father more than anything in this world. That's why I rarely get mad at anything now since all that hatred and anger is all for my father.

9 mins later(8:09)

I quickly hide my bike behind a bush in the hotel building I work in and ran to the back door. As soon as I opened it, I saw Miya. One of my closest coworkers.

-Miya: "You are 6 mins late! You better hurry up and change! We got many rooms to clean. Oh and I told the boss you where already in the 3rd floor cleaning" *Said Miya as she was closing the door*

Miya is such a sweet, trustworthy, and loyal person. Oh! and did I mention beautiful. Her curly black hair, her hazel eyes and dark skin made her so beautiful.

My Angel loverOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora