Light In The Dark

Start from the beginning

"Perfect timing," The uninjured man says when he sees her and he gestures to the brown-haired man beside him. "Come on, kid, let the lady check you over."

"I'm fine, Morgan," He says, his shaggy brown hair falling into his eyes.

"He's stubborn, don't listen to him," 'Morgan' says and Devyn allows herself to chuckle.

"Don't worry, I'll be gentle," Devyn smiles when Morgan laughs. "My name is Devyn. That cut looks pretty nasty and I'm sure whatever you're hiding under your hand is worse," She gestures towards his arm. Despite the lack of good light, she can see blood spilling across his fingers. "So, what do you say, are you gonna let me do my job?"

Sighing, Spencer looks from Derek and towards the young paramedic before nodding. She rewards him with a soft smile, one that lights up her eyes before she leads him to the back of the ambulance.

"Alright, let's see this first," Devyn holds a gauze pad in her hand and motions for the man to show her his arm. The cut is large but not too deep, she places pressure over it and turns her attention to her patient."What's your name?"

"Uh, Spencer," He mumbles, eyes drifting to her hand on his arm.

"Well, Spencer, this will need stitches." She tells him and he nods, looking resigned. "I'll wrap it for now until we can get you to the hospital." Devyn hates that she can't do stitches but the law is the law. After removing Spencer's jacket and cutting his shirt sleeve away, she wraps his arm up tightly before turning her attention to his face.

Spencer looks up when Devyn lifts her hand, fingers gently pushing his hair out of his face. Her blue eyes flicker down to meet his and she smiles a smile that makes Spencer's stomach feel funny. She then shines an annoying light in his eyes, seeming satisfied with what she sees.

"A few butterfly bandages and it won't even scar," She tells him before moving away to grab supplies. She cleans the wound and the blood that had been dripping from it away before pinching the skin together and applying the white bandages. "Not that there's anything wrong with scars. I think they're pretty badass."

Spencer's lips twitch up but he doesn't get the chance to say anything before Morgan reappears. "How's he looking?"

"Oh, he'll be alright," Devyn says with a glance towards the older man. "After a few stitches at least." She then focuses back on Spencer. "You can ride with us, we can take you to the hospital or one of your friends can drive you. And though I do recommend getting a CT, I can't make you."

Spencer opens his mouth to answer but Morgan once again cuts him off. "He'll ride with you." Reid's mouth snaps shut and he furrows his brows before quickly smoothing them out when pain shoots through the cut on his forehead. He still gives Derek a confused look. "We'll meet you there, pretty boy. Hey, they might even let you turn on the siren."

"Is he always like that?" Devyn questions Spencer when Morgan walks away. She misses the wink Derek throws Spencer's way, but Reid doesn't.
"Yes," Spencer nods. He knows Derek is only teasing, showing his love in the way Derek does.

"Hmm," Devyn hums and nods. "Well, it looks like you're with us."

"Looks like," Spencer mutters before clearing his throat. "Um-"

"Miller," Richard is suddenly beside Devyn.

"Hey, we have to take him to the hospital."

"Alright," Richard nods. The other ambulance has already arrived to take the only other injured person. "Here." Reaching out his hand, Richard holds the keys out to Devyn.

"I'll ride."

"I thought you wanted to drive?" He says with a glance towards their patient.

"Next time," Devyn shrugs and Richard does the same before walking around the vehicle, muttering something that sounds suspiciously a lot like 'Young people' under his breath. "Okay, up you go, pretty boy." Devyn smirks, using Morgan's nickname for the young man. It fits very well, she decides.

Heat rises in Spencer's cheeks when he stands so he ducks his head to hide it. Devyn lightly places her hand on his arm and gently nudges him towards the gurney. "Gotta buckle up, it's protocol." She says when he sits down, reaching over hit to connect the strap around his waist before she sits back herself.

"So, uh, how long have you been doing this?" Spencer breaks the silence, glancing over at Devyn.

"Almost a year now," She shrugs.

"How old are you?" He asks before he can stop himself, wincing as soon as the words are out of his mouth. But Devyn only chuckles.

"I'm twenty-two."

"Sorry, that was rude," Spencer apologizes even though the young woman doesn't look offended.

"No, it's okay," She tells him, that soft smile still pulling her lips up. "But since you know mine, what's your?"

"Twenty-eight," Spencer answers honestly, his shoulders relaxing slightly.

"Huh, you look younger," Devyn observes. "That's a compliment. Because you're definitely not old. I mean, I dated a guy who was twenty-seven when I was eighteen." When the sentence leaves her mouth, Devyn's eyebrows scrunch together and she whispers to herself. "Why did I say that?"

"Because you have no filter," Richard calls over his shoulder but doesn't remove his eyes from the road. "She hush before you talk his ears off. We're supposed to keep the patients intact, not the other way around."

Huffing, Devyn waves the man off before leaning towards Spencer. "He secretly loves me."

Spencer smiles at her, laughing quietly. By the time they arrive at the hospital, the genius opens up a bit more, allowing himself to speak to the young paramedic. Though Devyn does most of the talking.

"Well, this is where we part," Devyn says outside of the ambulance. "Still on the clock, so."

"Yeah, thanks," Spencer nods, his stomach doing that weird thing again when Devyn smiles widely at him.

"It is my job," She says cheerfully and he laughs. He remembers when he was like that about his own job. He hopes that joy never leaves her. "Well, I'd say see you later but that'll probably mean you're injured in some way and I hope that doesn't happen." With a thoughtful look, Devyn starches her neck. "Or not, so, see you around."

"See you," Spencer smiles and waves, watching Devyn skip towards her ambulance and climb inside.


So!? What did you guys think of the first chapter? Please, please let me know in the reviews! I can't wait to know what you guys think of this story!

I will be updating every day unless I am unable for some reason.

Thank you so much for reading! I'm looking forward to knowing what you thought! If you're not much of a reviewer, that's okay! Just simply saying you liked the chapter is great! I love to know your favorite parts or even theories for things to come!


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