Sub androids had no such switch, they would still cave under the pressure of a glare, and feel the need to submit, but if a dom refused them and left them in that state, they would be fine. They were built to handle any and all doms and their desires. It was why more doms preferred androids, less of a mess in their eyes.

This still left Connor confused, by his calculations, he was acting as a human sub, a switch being hit and needing to be tended to to get off that high. It was ridiculous, Connor simply set up a firewall that put a halt to the sub program, and he instantly felt relief.

Straightening up, Connor turned and faced Hank and Jeffrey, who were still in a heated argument. Connor fixed his tie and jacket, before speaking up. "I apologize for the trouble I have caused."

Jeffrey gave him a look, before socking Hank in the arm. "Don't apologize, it's this assholes fault. He knows not to use his glare." Hank sighed,

"Even if Connor wasn't a sub, you know you have co-workers who are. Be mindful next time! Shit Hank I could feel your glare in my office!"

Hank looked sheepish, rubbing the back of his neck. "Sorry."

"Just get back to work." Jeffrey said before heading to the back of the station to check on the subs.

The stilled silence was awkward around Connor and Hank, and Connor tried to come up with something to say, but fell short.

"So... you're a sub huh?" Hank mumbled, not looking at Connor. Connor immediately responded. "Yes but do not worry, it will not hinder my ability to work on the field!"

Hank dismissed that with a wave and returned to his desk. "Just get over here and check out the files, see if any of the guys we have could be suspects."

Connor nodded and sat at the empty desk across from Hank's, pressing his hand to the monitor and instantly downloading all the profiles. As he quietly searched through them, the bustle of the station slowly came back to life. The eerie quiet had made Connor uncomfortable so he was glad for the noise. Hank clearly showed his disdain for Connor and Connor was desperate to hide from it and not become a hindrance.

After a few hours of collecting data, Connor presented a list of suspects he tied to multiple places were red ice had been sold, he was quiet as he turned his monitor and showed it to Hank. Hank had his body turned slightly away from Connor, a clear indication he wanted nothing from him, but still he turned his head to look over the suspects.

He glanced up and met Connor's eyes for a brief moment, before turning away and back towards his own monitor. "Good, we will investigate those spots tomorrow, I'm leaving for the day." He said as he stood up.

Connor wanted to protest, they had not been working that long, but he held his tongue, not wanting to make the older male mad at him again. Hank had cast a curious look at Connor earlier, when he realized Connor had reacted to his glare, but now he was back to the usual. At the very least he was willing to work with Connor despite him yelling at Jeffrey about it.

"See ya tomorrow.." Hank said gruffly as he walked by, not looking at the android as he left. Connor kept his gaze down. He had dealt with partners who wanted nothing to do with him, who would gladly use him as a shield rather than save him, but this felt different. He had accepted their hate, had not bothered to fix the relationship and knew he would eventually get sent away.

He didn't want that now. A part of him desperately wanted to make Hank like him, a part that wanted to be by his side and not to be shoved away.

I didn't think the goddamn thing was a sub! Why the hell is he allowed to work here?

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