5- The Triwizard Tournament

Start from the beginning

  "I think it's quite intelligent of them to only permit older students to participate in the tournament. It helps ensure that all the students are safe and can fully consent to the dangers that may occur," Hermione confessed. "I just wish they would have made this rule earlier. There have been way too many incidents where first or second years have been chosen and nearly killed or actually killed in past tournaments."

  "Hermione, you only think that because you don't have a fun bone in your body," spat Ron as he dove into his dinner.

  "Oh, yes, Ronald, because the murder of innocent children is fun. Honestly, get ahold of yourself."

  "I'm with Hermione on this one, Ron," Ginny said as she examined a french pastry dish.

  "Well nobody asked your opinion anyway, Gin. Why don't you go sit with friends your own age?"

  The twins stopped their excessive amount of shouting and turned to Ron as Ginny fumed. "And nobody cares to hear your opinion, do they?" Fred asked Ron.

  "Oi! What's that about? I thought you two wanted to join the tournament too!"

  "And what about it?" George asked.

  "Well you're both underage too! I thought you'd be on my side!"

  "We may be underage, but we're a lot closer to seventeen than you are. And besides, we're not the ones insulting Ginny for having an opinion, are we? So why don't you calm down and eat your potatoes, hm?"

  Ron huffed to himself and shoved a spoonful of mashed potatoes into his mouth, steam nearly coming out of his ears. The commotion in the rest of the Great Hall had finally settled at this point, and the students talked quietly among themselves as they ate.

"Ooh, Hermione can't keep her eyes off a certain handsome Hufflepuff!" George shouted when he caught Hermione taking a quick glance towards Cedric. Cedric, who had heard the excessively loud exclamation, looked up and smiled at Hermione. She smiled back and hit the twin on the arm.

  "Shut up," she murmured, growing red in the cheeks.

  "Hermione, just go talk to him," said a grinning Ginny.

  "No, I'm alright here," Hermione replied, biting into a piece of Banitsa. "Mmm, this is delicious, you should try some, Gin," Hermione said shoving the pastry into Ginny's slightly open mouth as the other girl was about to speak. Ginny chewed the pastry and swallowed it, giving Hermione an annoyed smile.

  "Yes, that was good," She said. "Now, will you please go talk to Cedric? He's been watching you all night."

  Hermione sighed. "But he's with his friends!"

  "And as you mentioned before, they're all really lovely people! I'm sure they wouldn't mind an interruption from the girl Cedric clearly fancies."

  "He doesn't--"

  "Would he have snogged you otherwise?"

  Ron spit out his mouthful of chicken. "You snogged Cedric Diggory?!"

  "What's it to you, Ronald?" Ginny asked. "Just because you haven't kissed anyone other than mum and Auntie Muriel doesn't mean that nobody else has."

  Hermione shuffled out of her seat, desperately trying to get away from the arguing siblings, who, more than likely, would be arguing about something other than her when she came back. As Hermione made her way to the Hufflepuff table, she forced herself to ignore her instincts to go back. After pushing herself to get to the Hufflepuff table, she stood awkwardly across from Cedric, who sat with Ian on his side, and Calvin and Johnson across from them.

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