Bomi laughed. But then then stopped to think again

Bomi-But the most important thing is, I need him to love me
Eunji-Why do you say that? Did you.. get hurt in your previous relationship

Bomi pouted

Eunji-Really? You never told me about it
Bomi-Ah, it is an old story. It happened before we knew each other

Bomi shoved away the topic. The two of them finished eating and headed home


Eunji hopped into her bed after taking a shower. She grabbed her phone and opened the kakao app

'She wants someone like Baekhyun 😉'

Eunji pressed the send button without hesitation


Eunji checked the kakao ID. She mistakenly sent it to Baekhyun!

Eunji-Oh no!

Baekhyun is typing...

From. Baekhyun
Opps, who is 'she'?


Eunji screamed. She rolled side to side in her bed

Eunji-What should I do? What should I do?

She bit her nails

To. Baekhyun
I sent it to the wrong number
I'm sorry Baekhyun

Eunji-Ah, I'm so dumb!

From. Baekhyun
Understood, I used to be there

Baekhyun is typing...

Eunji's heart pounded against her rib cage. It felt like she would burst and perish by the time Baekhyun's text came in

From. Baekhyun
Are you free after school tomorrow?
I want to ask you out

Eunji's eyes widened

Eunji-Hhe.. He is asking me out? Heol, daebak. What should I say?

Eunji wagged her legs to help her thinking

Eunji-Do I have to play hard to get?

To. Baekhyun
I promise to help my parents

From. Baekhyun
Oh, too bad
It's okay then, next time

Eunji-What the? He just gives up?

Eunji tossed her phone aside. No more texts from Baekhyun after that

Eunji-Ah, he's so frustrating. No effort at all

She buried her face into the pillow, screaming


Eunji stared at Baekhyun's back from her place. He was so calm and collected in his seat, doing the homework until the bell rang

Chorong-Eunji, let's go home together
Eunji-Sorry Chorong, but my parents are going to fetch me today
Chorong-Oh, I see. Okay then, I will see you tomorrow

Eunji grabbed her bag and looked up. Baekhyun was already missing

Bomi-He rushed out just now

Bomi said, as if she could read her mind

Eunji-Where to?
Bomi-I don't know

Eunji also excused herself and left the classroom. She walked lazily to the gate. She felt so unmotivated for the whole day. It was all because she lost the chance to go out with Baekhyun

Eunji-Is it my fault to play hard to get? Or is it him who cannot catch my intention? Ugh!

She groaned, feeling devastated

From distant, Eunji could see her parents' car. She saw her dad was waiting outside while talking to someone. As Eunji was approaching, she saw Baekhyun talking to her dad


Mr Jung Dongwoon looked up and saw his daughter

Dongwoon-Oh, Eunji ya!

He waved. Eunji walked up to her dad and Baekhyun

Eunji-Baekhyun, what are you doing here?

Eunji asked, a little bit confused. But he just smiled in return

Dongwoon-He comes to ask our permissions to take you out

Baekhyun-Is it okay for me to do that? I promise she will be home before 8 p.m.
Dongwoon-Look at this gentleman. Eunji, are you going or not?
Eunji-I.. I, uhm. Will you let me?
Dongwoon-Of course
Eunji-Then, okay

Dongwoon smiled. He patted Baekhyun on the back

Dongwoon-Remember, before 8 p.m.
Baekhyun-Yes, sir. Thank you

Dongwoon bid good bye to Eunji. Her mom, Hayeon rolled down the window just to say good bye to them

Dayeon-Bye sweetie. Have fun on your date
Eunji-Mom, it's not a date!

Dayeon chuckled and waved to Eunji until their car left the school compound

Eunji could not hide her red face once she was left alone with Baekhyun

Baekhyun-Let's go
Eunji-Where are we going exactly?
Baekhyun-Anywhere you like. But first, let's fill our bellies

Eunji and Baekhyun rode on a bus to the city. And with that, their unofficial date began


There is a plot twist here 😆 Actually when I watched 'Welcome to the Witch Shop' I thought there would be a competition between second lead and first lead but NO!

I will finish the drama until the end 💃

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