Chapter Six.

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Percy's POV The Story
It has been three weeks since our visit to The Island, and Nico is gone without a trace. I am getting worried. The whole camp has searched and he is just, gone.
My whole house is searching. It has taken us multiple hours, for days on end.
"Luke, I am getting worried." I say.
"It's okay, Perce, I wonder what could have set the little dude off." Luke says. Ever since he has been brought back to life, we have gotten closer.
"I wouldn't know." I say. But I know it is all my fault. Telling the Ghost King that I have feelings for him must have set him off, causing him to run away. "Hey Percy, how about you check his computer." Bianca says. That little angel.
"Bianca! Your a genius!" I call to her. Running upstairs, I rack my brain for his password. Ghost King? No, to obvious. Then I thought of something. Turning his laptop on, I type 'Percico' and the machinery grants me access. I look through his email. Nope, nothing. Then I go to his History. Wattpad... Hm... I click on that, only to see a photo, or actually art, of me and Nico kissing. There is a caption saying, "Your crazy and I'm out of my mind.", so I do the obvious thing. I click on it.
I am awed at the first few words, so I read on.
"I am in my room, thinking of how to escape.The walls, covered in posters, only to hide my pain.To hide the reason I am here.The reason why I am in a mental ward.
"I have been diagnosed with depression, anxiety, anorexia, self harm and parasomnia. Parasomnia is when I get vivid nightmares re living my worst moments.
"Living in the ward with 11 other psychopaths doesn't make anything easier.
I don't have many friends.The people that are in the ward are Piper, Annabeth, Jason, Leo, Frank, Reyna, Clarisse, Hazel, Bianca,Thalia and Rachel.
We may sound normal, but we are the most screwed up people that you would ever meet.
We all have Chronic Hero Syndrome, where we all have to help people, wether we like it or not.
Leo Valdez has extreme OCD and ADHD.
Clarisse has passive aggressive disorder and temper issues.
Piper thinks that she can talk anyone into giving her things and used to be addicted to alcohol.
Jason is in the 'Happy Farm' because he thinks he can fly. He jumped off of a ten story building, just to prove it.The officers thought it was suicide, but he told them the truth. That's what landed him in here.

Bianca is my sister, so I guess insanity runs in the family. She thinks all of the greek gods are real and tried to kill a police officer, thinking he was a monster. She is also ADHD. Hazel is bi - polar and has bulimia. She thinks everything she touches is cursed. Annabeth is narcissistic and has very heavy insomnia. She hallucinates that she sees owls everywhere she goes.
Thalia hates people. She was put in here because she thought that a guys was trying to touch her and scraped his eye balls out. She is extremely scared of heights and is claustrophobic.
Rachel has very big mood swings. She has multi personality syndrome. One second she could be happy, the next we could all be dead.
Reyna has OCD and insomnia. She also has heavy Amnesia and can't remember who she is every time she has an attack.
Frank is just messed up. He thinks he can change into animals and is seriously dyslexic. he spells skating like gnitaks.Trust me, its bad.
But there is one thing. It only seems that each of us has a certain problem. For Leo, OCD.
Clarisse, PAD.
Piper, Alcohol.
Jason, he is pretty much normal. Bianca,ADHD.
Hazel, Bi-Polar.
Annabeth, Insomnia.
Thalia, Heights.
Rachel, Mood Swigs.
Reyna, Amnesia.
Frank, Dyslexia.
Me, well, I am all of my problems. Its seems like I am the most screwed up in the head.
"Outside of the ward, All of our problems go full force. Inside, only one. So we have to stay.
"Back when I first came, I had an attack so bad, I slit my wrists. I wrote all over the walls in my blood saying I wasn't able to save my mom. One of the only people I truly loved. I hid it all by posters, so I wouldn't get sent to the big ward, where only the complete crazies go.

I stop there. Taking a look around, the room is exactly like the room Nico described in his story. So I decide to take a peek. I rip one poster off, the sight I see shocks me. I hurriedly yank all of the posters off the wall, soon I am surrounded by shredded paper. On the walls is writing. Red writing. All that looks like blood. The words don't say Maria Di Angelo, but only one word, or name, repeated. In the centre is one sentence that makes me drop to my knees.
! ! ! ! "Why, Percy? Why?"!
We need to find Nico, and fast. Before it is too late.

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