Chapter 2

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10 Years Later

27th November 2021, Saturday

8:30 pm

*Hayden's POV*

As soon as the puck is passed to me, I start kicking it towards the goal. Not a minute later I feel myself land on the ground clutching my shin. I look up and see another player pushed me. The referee blows the whistle for time out and gives that player a yellow card and comes towards me. I sit there holding onto my shin as I hear the crowd gasp.

I start shouting for someone to come help me. Carson then comes with the team doctor and he wraps my shin in a crepe bandage. People start whispering to each other and the last thing I hear before going unconscious is Carson saying, "Hayden, hold still the ambulance is on its way" and then all my surroundings go black and my eyes shut.

Two hours later I wake up to see everything white and an annoying beeping sound coming next to me. I turn to my right and see Carson my manager with a worried look on his face. "Why are you looking so worried?" He looks up at me and then says, "Do you wanna hear the good news or the bad news first?" I think for a moment and then replied

"The bad news first." It can't be that bad, can it?  I think over in my head. 

"Okay, here goes nothing." He takes a deep breath and then says,

"YougotaMeniscustear." He said it so fast I couldn't understand what he said.

"What are you saying?" I ask him confusingly.

"You got a Meniscus tear" he replies more calmly with a nervous voice.

"A what tear?" I ask with confusion.

"A Meniscus tear meaning the menisci act as shock absorbers, allowing your thighbone and shinbone to glide against each other smoothly without causing joint damage. A meniscus tear is an injury to one of the menisci in your knee."

"Okay, I didn't understand much of what you said, in short, I just can't play ice hockey for a long time"

"Y- Yes" he replied gulping.

"And what was the good news?" He looked a bit happy, you could say.

"Uhh.. your mom found out about the injury and decided to book you a plane ticket home. I couldn't argue with her. You know how she is."

"Of all places Summerside? My luck is surely bad. " I mumble under my breath in hopes that Carson doesn't hear but as usual, he heard it.

"But how did she find out about my injury? She wasn't at the game today?" I ask

"Uhhh... About that, it's all over the internet. Some posted it online and she saw it there." He says fidgeting with his fingers.

"Oh come on Hayden! You haven't visited your home forever and it would be good too as Christmas is approaching soon. Hell even I'm excited to go back there. It won't be that bad.   Also, think of the free food you'll get there". He says excitedly.

Carson loves and I mean literally loves his food. If you see him in his free time, he'll only be eating. One of the many reasons why Jen has to go grocery shopping at least three times a week for me.

 "You sure? You know she still hates me right?" 

"You never told me what happened between you too. You both were so perfect and then all of a sudden you guys got separated." He says slowly.

"It's all in the past now. So when are we heading home?" I ask Carson.

"Tomorrow and before you freak out I asked Jen to pack your bags." Jen or Jenifer was my housekeeper.

She is 50 and loves her job. She has been married for about 32 years and has 5 grandchildren who sometimes spend time with me. She has been a motherly figure to me ever since I moved here to LA.


6 Am

I finally reached the airport. I was dressed in casual jeans and a black hoodie as it was cold.  I finished with the security checkup and waited for Carson to finish his. Once he finished we headed towards the direction of the gate as we hear our final call. Yea we were late. 

Carson woke up late and then he woke me up so everything we did was in a hurry and a daze. The house was in a huge mess when we left it. Jen my housekeeper was surely going to be mad at us when we get back to LA. We get onto the plane and find our seats. I soon found them and a girl was seated on the middle seat. She had light brown hair and chocolate brown eyes.  

Carson introduces us to her and she introduces herself as Hayley. That name sounds slightly familiar. I try to remember where I've heard that name before but my mind comes out blank, so I push that thought at the back of my mind and try to fall asleep.

I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to talk to that girl Hayley seeing as Carson already dozed off. This man is so lazy. Hayley was seated in between me and Carson so it was easier to talk to her without disturbing Carson. 

We chatted for some time and turns out she's heading to Summerside too to celebrate Christmas with her sister and her fiancee. Her sister's fiancee would be picking her up at the airport.

Nobody would be picking me up as I still remember my way around. Also, Carson would be there beside me. He visited once or twice but didn't stay for too long as he had to be there for my match. About half an hour later we stopped talking and I fell into a deep slumber.

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