Chapter 2: Bonfire

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Esme returns home from school, every day when out she worries every second about her mother. The tense feeling and pressure Esme has to rush home fast to her mother because she knows her cancer can affect her any second, sometimes Esme wishes she comes home with good news but sometimes it's bad news. "Hi mom, I'm home" says Esme as she enters the front room and sets her stuff down, "Hi honey, how was your first day" says Rebecca, "It was good mom, I met some new people and I love my classes" says Esme, "That's wonderful hun" says Rebecca. Rebecca asks Esme to sit on the couch to speak with her about some bad news. Rebecca hopes Esme won't over react and in hopes of taking it low, "What's wrong.. did something happened" asks Esme who seems very worried, "No need to worry ok hun.. it's just that.. the doctor called and told me the results from last weeks test, and says the cancer seems to be growing rapidly and I may not have many months left, the doctor thinks only about 2-3 months" says Rebecca "WHAT..what do you mean fast, the last time we went he said it might be slowing down soon.. and now it's growing.. I don't believe what he says" says Esme who begins to panic and tears start appearing in her eyes, "Honey.. I know but things change, calm down ok.. everything will be fine we just need to have faith ok" says Rebecca trying to get Esme to calm down and pulls her hand making Esme sit next to her and Rebecca hugging Esme as Esme begins to cry. "No.. no.. I can't mom, how can I be ok if your not ok" Esme says, "Honey I need you to have some faith ok, everything will be alright, I'm still here and I will always be here no matter what, with you and Steven" says Rebecca as she places her face above Esme's head and rubbing her hands on Esme's back, "I don't want you to leave" says Esme as she is crying, "I'm not going to leave you both" says Rebecca. Erik arrives home from school, his mother is in the den drinking and the maid is cleaning the kitchen, Erik heads straight up stairs and settles down in his bedroom. He pulls out Esme's bracelet from his pocket and examines it, he is amazed by the details in the bracelet, he also pictures Esme in his head and wonders, she is so beautiful, I want to get to know her but how? He thinks! Erik plans to try and find where Esme lives to return the bracelet but before he does he's been hungry all day. Erik gets up to head out and grab a quick bite, he takes his Ford Escort to Franklin Canyon Park just up north. Erik arrives at the park and wonders around to find his meal, he sees two couples walking in the forest, he walks behind them slowly and quietly as he try's to not grab their attention. "So what's this new company you said you wanted to build" says the female, "well it's still a process but well get their" says the male, the sound of broken branches alerts the couple as they continue walking ignoring the sounds, as the couple is walking the female is talking as she is walking looking down at her path unfocused of her man, Erik quickly and quietly snatches the male up from behind and hides, the women looks up from the ground to view her man who she finds is gone, she turns around to see if he is behind but he is nowhere to be found. As the sun starts to settle the women says "This isn't funny" as she begins to panic inside, her breathes began to go out of control, she begins to get worried. The sound of tree branches scare her and a big object is thrown in front of her, she screams and panics as she sees it's her man laying on the ground dead with blood all over his shirt and neck as if his skin was pulled from his neck, the girl screams and begins to run to safety, Erik follows up from behind as the girl is running and screaming "HELP" Erik speeding up putting his hands around the girl and jumps high, making the two disappear into dark light. Esme receives a phone call, she picks up the phone and puts it toward her ear, "Hey Esme where are you, Kate and I are here, we're just waiting for you, where are you" Sarah is on the other line, "Oh my gosh I completely forgot about the Bonfire" says Esme, "What.. what do you mean you forgot, I literally told you earlier, are you coming" says Sarah, "I don't know" Esme responds "What do you mean you don't know, get over here please" says Sarah, "Ok" says Esme, as she hangs up. Esme doesn't want to attend the Bonfire, not after receiving bad news today, a knock is made at the front door, Esme heads over to see who it is and opens it, It's Erik. "Oh hi Erik" she says curiously, "Hi.. I was just passing by and I remembered your car so.. I figured this where you might live.. um anyways you lost your bracelet" Erik says "Oh my gosh.. thank you erik, I didn't even realize it fell out of my wrist" Esme says, "No problem, um.. were you doing something" Erik says, "No, I was just relaxing.. do you want to go the bonfire with me" Esme says, "I'd love too" Erik says, "Great, let me just grab my coat real quick" Esme says, as she heads quickly to her room to grab her coat leaving Erik outside the front door. "Great.. I'll just stay here" Erik says as he knows he can't enter the house. Esme comes back downstairs and heads out the door with Erik, they both enter Esme's car and head to the bonfire. Erik and Esme arrive at the bonfire, they both get out of the car and walk to where everyone is hanging out at, Kate and Sarah look over at Esme who walks with a man they never met, "Oh my god who is that with Esme" says Kate, "I don't know but good thing she's here" says Sarah as she walks over to Esme and Erik, leaving Kate behind. "Oh my god you finally made it" says Sarah to Esme "Yup I'm here" says Esme, "And who might you be" says Sarah to Erik, "Oh hi.. I'm Erik" says Erik to Sarah, "Hi Erik nice to meet you.. well you both have fun, Esme I'll see you later" says Sarah as she leaves, "Do you want a drink" says Erik to Esme, "Sure.. Thank you" replies Esme as Erik goes over to a beer keg and grabs himself and Esme a drink. Esme walks around for a bit where Daniel oversees her, "Hey Esme" says Daniel, "Oh..Hi Daniel, how are you" says Esme, "I'm good, how are you" Daniel says nervously "I'm good thanks" says Esme, "Look I want to apologize for today, you waved back and I didn't, I feel like a total dick" says Daniel, "It's ok really, I just thought you might be mad.. or something" says Esme "Mad, why would I be mad, I mean you broke up with me so.. but I'm not mad" says Daniel "Oh ok" says Esme. Erik comes over to Esme and Daniel talking, he hands Esme her drink, Daniel looks over at Erik, "Hi..I'm Daniel" he says "I'm Erik" Erik says, "I'll uh.. see you at school Esme" Daniel says as he kisses Esme on the cheek and leaves. "So who's that" Erik says, "Ex" Esme says awkwardly, "Oh" says Erik, "Do you want to walk" says Esme, "Sure" says Erik as they both walk together. Steven arrives at the bonfire and looks to see Hope there, he looks over and sees Hope waiving at him as she smiles, he walks over to Hope, "Hey Hope" says Steven "Hey Steven" says Hope, "I heard you were looking for me at school" he says "Oh yea.. well you found me first" says Hope as she smiles and laughs, "Do you want to go somewhere, other than here" Steven says "Please" says Hope as she desperately wants to get away from the bonfire and hopes of a romantic time with Steven.

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