"Just answer their questions and get the hell out." He reminds her.

Emma nods.

"Hey, you got this. You have iron clad alibi, what are they gonna do?" He says, letting go of her elbow and continuing on.

Emma climbs the stairs, where Harold is waiting for her.

"You alright?" He asks.

"Just nervous." Emma whispers.

He nods, smiling at her as he walks her down to the interrogation booth.

"Agent Emma Segreto." Cooper says to the woman in the room, who shuffles some papers before looking at Emma expectantly.

"Have a seat." She commands.

Emma complies, and glances over her shoulder at the director as he closes the door.

The woman still just glares at Emma, who just stares back.


"She joined this task force a month ago. She's not the mole." Harold Cooper says.

"They're all suspects, Harold."

"You're wasting your time questioning  her." He shakes his head.


"I'm not going to waste my time, what happened in that box with Reddington?" The woman asks.

"We saved Agent Ressler's life." Emma answers.

"And you were not present for the events following Reddington being taken from the box?"

"No." Emma answers.

"You just let Reddington get away?"

"Ma'am, I was shot in the chest. I was in no condition to chase after Reddington."

"You seem in good health."

"I have a high pain tolerance. Not so much for bullshit, though." Emma half shrugs.

"Is that a threat?" The woman asks, arching her eyebrows.

"No, a statement." Emma corrects her. "Do you know how hard it is to wear a bra with all this shit on?" Emma asks.


"And even after I get to take the bandages off, I mean. I'll only have one boob. What kind of whack job only has one boob? I'm going to have to wear sports bras for the rest of my life!"

"Why were you accompanying Agent Ressler?"

"Because he asked me too, you know, maybe I'll just get a surgery to get the one removed. That way I can keep it even, and not even have to bother. Could you imagine? Not having to wear a bra? That sounds pretty good."

"What happened in the box. Why would Raymond Reddington choose to save Agent Ressler's life, and not kill you both?"

"I couldn't tell you, I'm not a highly functioning sociopath. We saved Ressler because that's what you do when someone is dying in front of you, you do what you can to save them. Not that you would know, you'd be the type to laugh as that person begged you for help. I respect that, it takes a certain caliber of character to murder a man."

"And you would know. Tell me, agent Segreto, why a top secret FBI task force would hire an 18 year old with no prior expierence and bad manners. You hardly meet the requirements to pass even the most basic admissions tests."

"I will not be deemed useless by some ineffectual, privileged, effete, fake blonde debutante. You want to start a street fight with me bring it on but you're gonna be surprised by how ugly it gets, you don't even know what I'm capable of, and honey, I don't know if you really want to know." Emma says scathingly. "You said you weren't going to waste your time, now I see that not only are you a bitch, you're a liar. The worst kind of liar too. So, if you have any questions that actually matter to this investigation, Director Cooper is more than capable of pointing you in the direction of my desk."

"I'm afraid you don't have that kind of auth-"

"I'm the one with one boob, I'm a fucking Amazon warrior, and I will not sit here and have you belittle me just to get yourself off. If you have an authority kink that's something you can work out with your husband, I'm sure he'd be more than happy to be your little bitch. I bid thee adieu."

Harold Cooper is having a very strange sounding coughing fit outside of the interrogation booth as Emma exits past him.

Aram and Donald look up sharply from their desks as she emerges at the top of the stairs.

She descends, clutching onto the railing.

"You ok?" Aram asks.

"I'm fine." Emma nods, shooting a glance at Ressler.

He arches his eyebrows, and she shakes her head.

He grins, shaking his head in disbelief as he goes back to his work.



"Director Cooper." Emma says softly.

The man looks up from his desk.

"Thank you." She says, her voice barely above a whisper.

He nods, and Emma goes back to her work with Aram.

"You ok?" He asks under his breath.

"Hm? Yeah, I'm ok." She answers, taking a sip of her coffee.

She continues her work, a small smile never leaving her face.

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