Chapter 7

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"Oh come on, it's only been what? A few days? And you forgot my name already??"

"I don't even want to see you." Soobin huffed, swinging his legs off the cliff and swinging it slightly.

The black haired male next to him cocked his head, then proceeded to deliver a punch to Soobin's shoulder.

"Ouch! What the fuck?" Soobin snapped, turning away even more as he rubbed his sore muscle there.

A sigh came out softly from the other's mouth. "Huening Kai."


A cold hand landed on Soobin's palm and he flinched, looking down sharply at what caused that sensation. A smaller hand enveloped his big ones, squeezing it.

"Why are you touching me? I don't even know you," Soobin replied and moved his hands away. The hand, now that Soobin's hand was gone, made its way towards the taller boy's thigh.


It squeezed and Soobin jolted, finally turning his head towards Huening Kai to tell him off. But it wasn't Hueningkai. No black hair fell across his head, instead it was pale pink...

"What the actual fuck?" Soobin stood up abruptly, almostly causing Yeonjun to fall back on his hands in surprise, the left one nearly missing the edge of the cliff. Small yellow stones slid and fell down into the dark abyss below, cracks resounding around them.

"Soobin what are you doing?" Yeonjun cocked his head and asked, a look on confusion flushing his face.

"What do you mean what am I doing? What are YOU doing, touching my hand and all that corny stuff?" Soobin snapped. He rubbed his hands together, heart starting to pick up pace. Yeonjun shuffled forward, swinging his legs off from the cliff and standing up as well.

The shorter boy walked forward and crossed his arms, legs tapping the ground in a thoughtful rhythm.

Soobin rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair. "Why am I thinking so much about you these days anyway? I have no reason to. Now, you're even showing up in my dreams?"

"What did you say?" Yeonjun asked, hands dropping.

"I hate you dude, and I'm sure you know too! So-so why are you here? Why do I feel like I'm caring for you?" Soobin turned on his heels and started walking away.

Yeonjun followed behind him. "What the hell are you talking about?"

"Are you an idiot? Oh right  you probably don't remember because you fainted! Gosh darn it what would you do if I wasn't there to save your ass?!" Soobin whirled around, speaking his mind quickly now. He could say whatever he wanted to the other's face, because no matter how harsh, it was all just a dream. 

Yeonjun's image sharpened in his eyes. The slight blemishes on his skin, the brown orbs of his eyes. Soobin's voice trailed off, seemingly stuck in those honey brown colours. Yeonjun's mouth moved but strangely enough it was like the sound had been cut off. Nothing reached Soobin's ears.

His right arm started rising on his own. Up and Up until it was hovering beside Yeonjun's face. The sunlight seem to get more intense, the melanin skin glowing. Soobin's palm connected softly with Yeonjun's cheek, a thumb rubbing it gently up and down.

Has it always been this soft, Soobin thought to himself, still swimming in the galaxy laying upon Yeonjun's eyes.

Soft pink lips opened as Yeonjun said something again. It was like something else was controlling Soobin, like he was a different person. His hands snaked around to Yeonjun's mouth and without warned, pressed his thumb in between those lips, into the mouth and pressed onto the tongue. He could barely think coherently to stop his actions. 

Soobin felt hot all over. Nothing happened next, he knew of it because he wasn't moving, neither was Yeonjun's body. But something did happen because it felt like Soobin was exploring every inch of Yeonjun's body next, without needing to touch the other.

A sharp pain exploded in his wrist which knocked him out of whatever that had drawn him so intensely into being controlled.

What the fuck am I doing, I hate him, why is my heart beating so fast, Soobin scolded himself, bending over and clutching his injured wrist. He looked up again but he vision was blurred.

He groaned and stumbled into the person in front of him.

"Get a grip of yourself Soobin, what were you thinking?"

Soobin blinked once, twice and his vision returned to normal.

"Yeonj- Huening?" Soobin gasped, stumbling back now.

"Yeah? What?"

Soobin's head hurt and his body felt weird. "Where's-"

"Where's what? We're the only ones here?" Hueningkai cocked his head. He held a hand up that set a certain distance between them. Had Soobin harassed the other? 

Soobin gulped and looked around. Endless land. Endless sky.


Huneingkai sighed. He shook his head as he went back to his original spot where he had sat, albeit no longer at the edge but further behind. "You look tired. Come, sleep."

There was no reply from Soobin, only the shuffling of feet and Soobin plopping his ass down next to Huening Kai.

"Mind if I sleep on your leg?" Soobin asked, already getting ready to lie down.

Hueningkai observed the other for a while. Something had stirred inside of Soobin, heartbeat so loud, the younger could hear it. 

Soobin, not waiting for an answer, laid down and closed his eyes, his breathing slowing down to a calm and steady rhythm. Hueningkai reached forward and picked stray strands of hair off from Soobin's forehead, patting and stroking his face in the process.

Surprised at the reaction that followed, Hueningkai flinched when Soobin leaned into his touch.

"Warm." Soobin murmured before sliding back into a slumber.

Hueningkai smiled, holding his hand there for Soobin. He knew at that moment that it wasn't him Soobin was thinking about, neither was it him that Soobin had been hallucinating about moments before.

He knew.

Knew that it was Yeonjun.

And that was all that Hueningkai needed to know.

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