Chapter 5

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"You say that one more fucking time and I swear I'll punch your teeth out." Wooyoung seethed, fist balling up beside his thighs. 

"What? It's the truth ain't it?" Jungkook snapped, frowning at the shorter boy. True enough, a fist collided with his face, and Jungkook's head twisted to the side. Of course he expected the punch that flew from the other male approaching his face, Wooyoung always did keep his words. And yet, that punch didin't hold much substance. It barely even hurt. 

"Why'd you soften the blow?" Jungkook asked, return back to his original position and smiled a little. The other scoffed him and puffed on the cigar between his fingers. 

"Why'd you let me hit you then and still stand there smiling like an idiot?" 

Jungkook shurgged and leaned against the wall, looking up at the sky and knew why he felt no reason to even argue. Because even he himself said those words. 

That Yeonjun and Soobin were dead. 

A stinging reminder of how fragile their lives were. He didn't want to accept it, of course not. Wooyoung knew it too, which is probably why the latter was so angry. But Jungkook wasn't going to go about putting up flyers and hunt each man down, killing and torturing just so he can find out that truth. 

Jungkook leaned forward and spat out a shot of blood onto the pavement before bringing the back of his band to his lips and wiping it clean. Guess Wooyoung did hit him at a critical point too.

Jungkook sighed. Maybe it was because Wooyoung was good friends with Yeonjun that he was so unwilling to think about the situation so deeply. 

The people, whoever they were that took Yeonjun and Soobin, were powerful. No doubt. 

To have two people go missing without a single trace was an amazing feat. Not many criminals or simple gangs can pull it off.

Wooyoung started his blabbering again.

"It's only been a few months into the new year, there's still hope Jeon. We're not a weak gang, if anyone were to find out we were doing stuff like this what are they going to do? Our combined forces can't be beatened, they can't bring our gangs do-"

The next thing he knew, Wooyoung was slammed against the exterior wall of the house, a hand to his throat, tightly gripping it. White cracks of dried paint fell off like small ants. 

"Shut the fuck up. Ok, I don't care how strong we are because they are too." Jungkook hissed. His eyes shifted left and right to catch any suspicious shadows, then settled back on Wooyoung's melanin face. 

"Jung. Listen to me. They killed, 4 people, with no hesitation whatsoever. We kill too, but these are innocent people. They burned down the houses and were able to destroy the evidence, and keep people quiet that nothing was able to be produced even with top detectives working on this case. All in one day. " Jungkook continued, searching Wooyoung's face for some signs of agreement. 


"It's not they can't beat our gangs. Sure maybe they can't. But who's to say they won't come after one or two of the members? We have so many people on so many jobs and spread out all over korea, the news might not even reach in time for us to even act properly."

The taller continued, the grip on Wooyoung's collar loosening slightly. "I think, they are a small organization. I did my own research, ok. They aren't even known to those who aren't famous. If they can pull off such a feat against people who have ties with big organisations with us, they have fucking balls to do something larger. Believe the fact or not, do whatever you want, but proceed with fucking caution, least we fall into their trap."

Jungkook let go of Wooyoung, stepping back and getting out his pack of cigaretts.

"If it's my life we're talking about then we wouldn't be having this conversation. But I will take no fucking risks that will put my friends or Jimin in danger. We've have enough of that, we already lost Huening Kai. "

Wooyoung gulped, a trickle of realisation running through him. His resolve weakened. He finally was able to understand the slightest of why Jungkook was in this predicament. 

Jungkook flicked his light on and drew in a long breath before speaking again. 

"After all, Wooyoung you wouldn't want anything to happen to San would you?"

Cold wind blew through the night.

The shorter male looked down and turned on his heels. Hands stuffed in his pockets, he retraced his steps back towards the stairs leading to the front door and stopped. Wooyoung looked up at the sky, two stars twinkling and shimmering in the dark night. 

"Goodnight Jeon."

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