Chapter 6

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"Ouch! Stop touching it!"

"Well if you ask nicely maybe I'll you even want me to?"


"Watch your language, don't make me tie you up."

"Fuck, please be gentle god hurts..."

"Heh, feels pretty nice seeing you beg like that,":

Yeonjun blew a puff of hair upwards which removed the strands of hair on his forehead. Sweat rolled down the sides of Soobin's face, who was leaning against the tree, eyes shooting daggers at Yeonjun.

"Alright sorry sorry, let me just pull it out..."

Soobin bit his lips with anticipation for the pain. 

"See that wasn't so bad!" Yeonjun beamed, brushing his hands off and sitting back.

"What do you mean of course it was bad! How about you come into my shoes and get the wound treated by this very 'professional doctor' here?!" Soobin snapped, pointing an accusing figer in Yeonjun's direction, rubbing the side of his torso.

"Stop touching it, the wound will heal with time." Yeonjun shrugged as he packed the first aid kit up and held up a small thin piece of wood. 

"Is that the splinter that was in the wound?" Soobin asked, wincing as he sat up as well. 


Yeonjun jogged to the blue house nearby and placed the first aid kit on the doorstep. He would have knocked to thank the lady in there for kindly letting them use the medical supplies but it was already dark and they still had to find their way back to the car. 

"Ok I'm back, can you walk?"

Soobin was already half standing with one hand on the tree for support. "Yeah of course. I hurt my torso, not my leg idiot."

Yeonjun chose to ignore that as he bent down and swung Soobin's arm over his own shoulder. "Look I'm not taller than you so I can't really support you that well but you can lean on me as much as you need."

Soobin stared at the older boy, lips pursed. Somehow this scene felt extremely familiar. Yeonjun sitting down with a first aid box and taking care of him. It almost felt like he was watching the scene unfold like a movie in front of him, in snippets from his point of view.

Soobin broke his gaze away from Yeonjun before he got more sucked into his thoughts. 

"Come on, let's go find our old man."

Yeonjun nodded as well, not missing how tightly Soobin was gripping onto his shoulder. 

As they trudged off the lawn and onto the main road, Yeonjun kept telling himself how lucky they were to be out of there. How perfect the timing was that they were able to escape without much interference. 

Or maybe they had been allowed to?

"We should turn left down that alley there, it should lead us back towards the mafia house." Soobin pointed. 

" named it?"

"What! There's a lot of houses here!" Soobin argued, slightly blushing at how childish he must have sounded and Yeonjun stifled his chuckle. 

"Wouldn't it be better to avoid it? After all we don't know if they are still there or not."

"I know but we don't necessarily have to walk back the same way. We can walk behind this row of houses and then cut out back to our original place."

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