Chapter 4

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"Fuck you," Soobin spat, his legs getting into motion. Fuck you Soobin, the taller scolded himself. How could he even think of leaving Yeonjun behind? Shame on you. And then he got confused for feeling so angry at himself for wanting to leave Yeonjun. 

But Soobin had no time to sort out his thoughts, because time was running out. His eyes shifted to the door and saw that no one had came out yet. 

This is your only chance, Soobin thought and picked up his pace. In a few large steps, the fallen body of Yeonjun's laid next to Soobin's ankles. 

"Cmon, sorry bud," Soobin muttered, wrapping his fingers around the collar or Yeonjun's shirt and literally dragged his body, not having anytime to carry the other in a more favourable position. 

The taller whirled around, searching for that opening he saw when he had looked back just now. The house was on the ground alright but the basement only stopped halfway to the back of the house, which meant that the hole Soobin had seen was definitely leading underneath the house, so there would be space for them to hide hopefully. 

Thumping sounds in the house got louder, now accompanied by talking as well and Soobin continued to drag Yeonjun's body until they were outside their hiding spot. 

Soobin winced. The hole wasn't as big as he thought it might be but Yeonjun should be able to fit in with a slight push. And so, with panic rising even more, Soobin picked up Yeonjun's body with both hands and pushed him through the hole. 

"Around the house!" a yell came and Soobin's voice caught in his throat. 

Fuck, he thought as he started to crawl in as well but the torso part of his body got caught, which meant that his legs were still out. The sharp uneven edges of the hole clawed at him but he didn't have time to indulge in that. With one mighty will and pull, he came through and plopped onto Yeonjun's body which was still lying faced down. 

A sharp pain jolted through his right leg but Soobin hardly seemed to notice with the adrenaline still running through. 

He looked up and around fast. true enough it was the underneath of the house, not even high enough for them to sit down or rise higher than on their hands and knees. But the opening will definitely not go unnoticed by the men.

Lady Luck really must have been shining on the two boys that day because laying a few centimetres beside the hole was a large metal cover of the same material and colour as the wall of the house. 

Soobin couldn't really turn his body to get his hands onto the cover so he had to twist his head around and using his legs,  carefully moved the cover over the hole, drowning them in shadowy darkness with only fragments of light shinning through the uncovered parts of the hole.

Soobin tried to still his breathing. Logically thinking, he knew that it'd be impossible for the men outside to hear it but somehow making himself seem quieter gave him some sort of relief. 

Something twitched below him and Soobin almost yelped in surprised. Right, not something but someone. 

"What..." Yeonjun groaned. Soobin rolled off of him and laid beside him. Yeonjun tried to sit up but banged his head against the ceiling. He opened his mouth to scream but was cut off but a hand slapping around his face.

"Mmph!" Yeonjun clawed at the hand and fell towards the person. Panic flared in him, thinking he had been kidnapped or something but then he caught a waft of the smell of the clothes the person was wearing. 

Oh it's just Soobin, Yeonjun thought, remembering the smell of perfume that Soobin always sprayed in their room. The smell of coffee and vanilla blended together with orange blossom, jasmine and pear. One in which sSoobin nabbed from grandma's stash. 

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