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Julianna Grace Leblanc - 

Caring. That one friend who keeps your group together like glue. Has been through more then any other person at her age. But she had a special connection with Jules, and they cope with each other, as they both have suffered a lot.

Jaeden Martell - 

Adventurous and Brave. Will risk his life for the people he cares about. Gets bullied because of his lack of social skills. And expresses his emotions through acting, which she introduced her to.

Mackenzie Frances Ziegler - 

Thoughtful. The popular girl, but a nice one. She constantly gets compared to her older sister at home, and no one understands that Kenzie is her own person. No one understands but Kenzie herself and her. 

Asher Dov Angel -

 Horny but has been in love. Everyone wonders "How is that done". Loves to make rhymes, when not the time, Okay now I will shut up. She and Asher have known each other for while, and were brought back together. Coincidence? I think not. 

The Orlando siblings -

Ying and Yang. Opposites at first, but when you go deeper they are a lot more similar then you think. Hate being called twins. Johnny is a Fuckboy. Will get any girl and then break their heart. But in reality, he does it because he doesn't want his heart broken. Pours out his heart into his music, yet another thing introduced by her. Cares for Lauren, his sister more then anything, and is very overprotective. Lauren is shy, calm and collected. Hates Johnny with her whole heart. But she will bring them back together again.

Who Is this person. Catherine Silvers. And who am I? That's for me to know and you to find out.

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