Chapter 2: Joshua

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There was no more milk in the fridge. Joshua shut the door, stopping the stream of cool air on his face. He then put his spoon back in the drawer. Taking a handful of Cheerios from the bowl, he dropped them into his mouth. Crunching the dry cereal, Joshua took out his phone and opened the news app.

LA Drink Chain Under Fire as Fungi is Discovered in 'Special Green Juice'

He was about to open the article, when he got a text.

Amra: hey, we still on for tonight?

Joshua: yeah, at eight, right?

Amra: yeah

Amra: oh I was thinking about inviting a friend from work so you'll know two people when you start. is that okay?

Joshua: uh.. sure that's fine

Amra: great, I'll invite him

Joshua: see you tonight

Amra: see you!

Joshua sighed and grabbed another handful of Cheerios. He couldn't wait for Monday. He had gotten a job as a video editor for a web series on video games. Finally, he would be useful. Maybe he wouldn't feel so worthless. He was so accustomed to being called worthless. From the football players in high school, to his ex girlfriend, to himself, everyone seemed to agree that he was worthless.

Joshua was now hopeful. With a new job, and hopefully a new friend, maybe things would change. But in the meantime, Joshua opened up twitter to wait for the evening.

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