Chapter 21: No Matter What I Like You

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Luckily, today has been a really quiet day at Nova Star just like my uncle said it would be. And like I predicted, it's exactly what I needed. It's currently empty and just about lunchtime. I've been alone all morning, reading comics and clearing my head. Only about four customers came in today and have been in and out pretty quickly. I lit a candle and connected my music to the sound system in the store. The scent of peony in the air and chill R&B vibes are exactly what I need to calm down and clear my head.

I'm finally starting to feel a bit normal again. Of course, I'll occasionally look at my phone or naturally think about what happened with Derek but I remind myself not to think about it too much and stress myself out. I just need to get my energy and emotions back in check.

It's just about 3:15 so Katie should be coming in any minute now. As I sit on my phone relaxing, the door suddenly chimes and I look up to see the last person I expected to. I don't want to see him. Anxiety, stress, and shock all fill me at once as I see Derek entering the store. We make eye contact and he basically freezes. I can tell he's just as surprised to see me as I am him. Once again my world seems to come crashing down...just when I was starting to get it together. I feel like crying just looking at him. It's all too much. When I agreed to work this shift for my uncle Derek was not a part of the plan. He was not supposed to be here. He was not on the schedule. Why is he here!? That's the only reason I said I would work today. I don't want to see him. I can't see him. This is so embarrassing.

He comes back to reality and steps inside. "Oh...hi," he quietly says. I turn away from him and look at the computer. Even though my music is playing, silence fills the store as I choose not to talk to him. "Katie ended up calling out and your uncle asked me to cover her this morning," Derek says calmly as he settles into the store. "I didn't know you were working today, I thought it was your uncle. You weren't on the schedule."

I continue to ignore him, not saying anything, until I see him glance at me. "Well I'm here so you're just gonna have to deal with it," I reply coldly. I can't do this. This is the first time I'm actually seeing him since my birthday party and I feel like running out of the store. How can he be so calm and just act as if nothing has happened? Hopefully, if I keep up this cold front he'll just choose to ignore me and leave me in silence. He's just making me so upset and angry.

Derek comes up to the counter and places his elbows down. He stares at me as I continue to avoid eye contact with him, staring at the computer pretending to do some sort of work. He looks at me for a few more seconds until he confirms I'm not going to give him any of my time or attention.

"So are you just gonna ignore me this whole time?" he asks calmly.

"Pretty much," I replied, maintaining eye contact with the computer. I can't let those eyes get to me like they always do.

"Why are you being so cold?" he asks me.

I ignore him in response, but I admit it breaks me a little to hear him say that.

"What time are you working until?" I ignore him again. He calls my name. "Jacob."

"I'm not in the mood," I coldly reply.

"Jacob," he says more firmly.

"Not in the mood Derek. Leave me alone please," I tell him sternly.

"Jacobbbb," he whines cutely, making a slight pout. "Talk to me." He starts tapping on the countertop.

"Derek stop." The last thing I need is for him to act like that. How does he not see it? I confessed my feelings to him...twice! And yet he didn't say anything. He acted as if it never happened. But he wants to come in and act like everything is fine, and pretend he doesn't know how I feel. It's like he's trying to torture me and play into my feelings. He knows how he makes me feel by acting cute and just from his sheer presence. Furthermore, he should know that I'm going to respect the fact that I can't be with him and that I work with him. I want to remain friends and be cordial with him, especially because we work together but it's like he's trying to tease me on purpose and it feels like shit.

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