Chapter 7: The Paint Night

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"Okay I know we always have a really good time, but I'm not really sure why we continue to do this every year and hype it up when it's the same people every year," Katie says.

I look at her in confusion, furrowing my brow. I laugh. "Um, girl? Megan and Derek are standing right next to you. They've never done this before."

Katie turns and faces Megan and Derek then turns back to me and smiles. "I know but--" she finds herself at a loss for words. "--yeah I got nothing." We all start laughing.

We're at the annual paint night at the comic store. As usual, it's happening right before New Year's when I have to start getting ready to go back to school. Normally, it's the same people who come since our staff almost never changes, but this year Megan and Derek are here. It's always a fun night and a creative way to let loose and have fun before the semester starts and it should be even more fun because we have some new faces.

This year we are painting a group of cute, little owls on a snow-filled branch. Even though I don't really do art anymore, I've never really lost my touch. Art has always just come naturally to me and I'm happy that nights like this allow me to stay in touch with my artistic side.

Katie, Megan, Derek and I are sharing a table. Derek and I are on the ends while Megan and Katie are in the middle. The instructor starts guiding us and before we know it, we're off, paintbrushes filling our canvases with vibrant colors and shades. I focus intently on my painting, and everything else seems to fade into the background. I mix the blue with purple to make a dark indigo shade and fill the sky of the canvas. The white paint creates the bright stars of the night. I move my hand ever so gently, making each stroke of the brush count.

Everyone continues painting, snacking, and drinking, having a good time. I continue to look at my canvas from every angle and paint. If this piece comes out really nice I can take it back to my dorm with me, if not, it'll make a nice Christmas present for my mom.

"I need more paint," Katie says, breaking me from my focus. "I'm gonna go get some at the front."

"Same. Let me come with," Megan chimes in. The two of them take their palettes and walk to the front of the store to get more paint. I continue to focus on my painting. I move my head around, making sure to paint the edges of the canvas so it isn't blank. I finish painting the background and tree. I notice the branch could use some more work and I dip my brush in the paint again. I continue adding paint and making small adjustments until I'm satisfied. Now that it's to my liking, all that's left are the owls and I plan on taking my time with them because I want them to look perfect.

"No matter what you do, mine still looks better." I turn to face the voice to my right. Derek of course. "It's the best one actually," he says tilting his canvas to show his painting off.

In typical Derek fashion here he goes trying to tease me and gloat. "Well, I'm sorry not all of us are art majors," I sarcastically say, rolling my eyes, shaking my head with a smile.

"I mean I'm graphic design. I do my art on the computer and yet my painting is still better than yours," he jokes. He has a pretty straight face, a thin smile just painting his lips, but I know he's joking. He can be so annoying, and yet I love it. Maybe it's because no one has really challenged me with their own playful banter like this before.

"Real funny, Derek. You know...for not actually taking any art classes since high school I'm still pretty good. We've been through this."

"Yeah like I've said you are...," he leads me on. "...just not as good as me," he replies as he looks back at his painting. This boy knows how to play the game with me.

I roll my eyes and scoff. The two of us paint again for a minute or two. I catch him looking at me from the corner of my eye with that same look he always gives me. When he does it always makes me smile. Does he see something he likes? Is it me or my painting?

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