𝐗𝐕 ; relivin' with the 𝖉𝖊𝖆𝖉

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"𝖎 𝖘𝖊𝖊 𝖞𝖔𝖚 𝖜𝖆𝖙𝖈𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖌 𝖒𝖊, 𝖞/𝖓." Her sister stated sourly. She pulled the wooden chair beside her for her sister to sit it. Y/N would be lying if she said that she was dumbfounded by the fact that she's talking to her dead sister, like alone a dead person. Hell, what's next? She gets to talk to her own parents and her self too?

How could this be possible, anyway, wasn't this not a memory she was living in. She knew it was all fake but it all too real, Amai's more powerful than she though she was.

"It's too late to think about that." S/N intruded. She pointed at the clock Y/N was looking to. it was displaying the time of day being past five o'clock, an hour before the massacre.

"You can't change the past." S/N reminded her sister, she was staring at the clock and fiddling her fingers nervously. The twin grabbed Y/N's shoulders to face her properly. S/N smiled, "So let's talk."

Y/N asked, narrowing her eyes. "Why are you smiling at me? Usually, you're a bitch to me. No offence. But- How the fuck are you talking to me!?"

S/N chuckled against her hand because her other hand had her phone in it. She placed her phone on the table and sat on her legs to each Y/N's height using the table to balance.

"Let me explain." S/N cleared her throat. "What you saw was a flashback of your family, an event in your life that's already occurred and playing out from a third person's perspective. Like the time you and Itadori were outside and saw me and younger you playing outside."

"And since this isn't real. Am I kinda maladaptive dreaming?*"

"In a way, yeah!" S/N agreed brightly. "Since this moment in your life has never happened, you are imagining it but with everyone, only one being me, acting like what you think we are like!"

With that in mind. Y/N never thought her younger self would imagine herself thinking that S/N was a kind person, according to S/N, Younger Y/N always saw the good in people and never hesitated to have fun, meeting new people and be willing to help anyone.

It was like Y/N and younger Y/N were opposites. But come to think of it, ever since this mess, she's done all of those things.

Y/N looked back at the clock, 6:05, she inquired as past Y/N sat on her father's leather chair reading, the sky darkened and her parents start setting up the dinner. It was like watching actors getting ready for the next scene. "What is Amai doing to me?"

"What you want her to do to," S/N answered. "She's the devil with a deal, you've already signed."

"S/N, who's your friend? I didn't see them come in." Her mother questioned with a smile as she set the kitchen table for their Sunday Special. It was an indescribable feeling for the girl, the first time in years she since her birth family, and her mother and mostly father don't recognise her. Their daughter.

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