𝐗 ; 𝖜𝖔𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖔𝖚𝖘 ones

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Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.


"𝖍𝖊𝖞, 𝖞/𝖓! 𝖜𝖆𝖎𝖙 𝖚𝖕!" During her walk for fresh air, Y/N turned around to see Itadori running towards her with that big smile on his face like usual. She decided to wait this time, not that she had a choice the last time he ran up to her, until he caught up and joined her on the pleasant nature walk around the school.

"Everything okay?" Y/N started the conversation as put her cold hands in her jacket pockets. The boy responded the usual 'yes' and explained that he wanted to walk around and admire the scenery himself and so happened to find her doing the same thing.

Y/N commented, taking in the earthy scent from the plants surrounding the area. "Yeah, it's a great get-a-away from the curse situation stuff."

Earlier today, Satoru had Y/N practise her curse magic and technique. It was simple at first until the girl started to feel light-head and thirsty after an hour so assumed a glass of water and a walk would do the trick.

"I agree, one of the reason why I'm doing this is for my grandpa's dying wish," Itadori confessed. "He didn't know about the curses or anything, but before the mess at the school, he told me to help others and that's what I'll do." He says with such confidence.

Come to think of it. Y/N didn't have a proper reason herself as to why she was taking on his big opportunity. Was she ever wanted to save other people? No one was there to help her when curses attacked, then why should she help others, right?

You could say to be a good person, but no one is ever a good person when you think about it. Everybody got their flaws that are defined as bad. Doing good things for the sake of doing good things doesn't make you a good person, think otherwise consider that selfishness.

But the acknowledgement of your bad ways and the willingness to adapt and change the badness into something better is different. And that's the lesson Y/N herself hasn't realised, yet.

"That's remarkable, Itadori." Y/N smiled back before her nose sensed a familiar scent right next to her. She stopped and turned to her left, and gasped at the sight of multiple blackberries growing.

"Oh, blackberries." Yuji picked a couple with Y/N. "Haven't had these in a long time."

"Me either." The girl agreed after grabbing a small handful and nibbling on them. "My mum/mom, dad and I used to pick them all the time when we go down for the beach, my sister S/N didn't like them. Now that I think about most things I like she didn't like one bit."

Itadori asked after putting a handful in his mouth, "Oh you have more than one sibling?" Y/N shook her head no, as she giggled at Itadori's puffed cheeks while eating.

"Careful, you're gonna spill some." She used her pointing finger and thumb to close Itadori's mouth by his chin, before walking with him to a nearby patch of grass from them to lay in the sun.

strange ♡ ﹫y.itadori Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang