Chapter Nineteen - The Sunset

Start from the beginning

Almost having tears in his eyes, Polnareff took a step forward. "It can't be!" his exclamation, as he kept going forward, was stopped my Mr. Joestar's hand, put in front of him.

"I'll go talk to him. The rest of you stay here." the old man informed the rest of the crusaders, then stepped up to the Egyptian man.

(Y/N) was watching them closely. Could it really be Avdol the one Mr. Joestar was talking to? She had heard him talk about something like that before and she knew that he told everyone except Polnareff that Avdol was still alive, but she didn't expect him to show up in such a manner. Looking all different, even older. Could it be some kind of new plan the old man hadn't told the girl about? However, (Y/N) looked up at the only guy left who was with her when she saved Avdol. Jotaro looked down at her, understanding what she wanted from only gazing into her gleaming eyes. Looking back at his grandfather, he nodded subtly. He didn't think that the Egyptian man was Avdol, he knew it.

The three students and Polnareff waited patiently for the old man to talk to him, when suddenly the strange man shouted. "I don't want to hear it! Every time someone comes to talk to me, I only get bad news! It's always when something terrible has happened!"

"That voice..." Polnareff whispered to himself.

"I said go!" the Egyptian man yelled, finally facing the five crusaders. They all gasped in shock when they saw the face of their old journey comrade, but older.

Could it have been makeup? Could it have been magic? (Y/N) could remember something about Avdol saying that he could and had done magic before, but she was not sure that it was that kind of magic.

All the boys started arguing.


"That is impossible!"

"Mr. Avdol!"

However, (Y/N) remained silent as she saw Mr. Joestar's face darken. Something was coming. "That was not Avdol." the old man spoke with a low voice. "That was his father."

Their eyes widened, including Jotaro's. To be fair, (Y/N) had never seen Jotaro showing those many emotions, including stuttering when he called the Egyptian man's name. Jotaro stuttering. I guess I lived long enough to hear that one out.‘ the small voice inside on (Y/N's) head laughed. She didn't know what to believe anymore: was Jotaro really believing the whole ‘charade‘ or was he just acting?

As he continued, the old man said that Avdol's father had withdrawn from society and now he lived there on his own. He seemed so serious when he was talking, it almost fooled (Y/N) as well. Though, she was not going to give up that easily. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to tell you sooner..." Mr. Joestar apologized. "But if it ever came known to Dio that we stopped at this place, Mr. Avdol's father would be in grave danger." Jotaro's grandfather also told them that telling that man about his dead son wouldn't be easy, making his memory about Avdol getting shot storm Polnareff's mind. Putting his prosthetic hand on the Frenchman's shoulder, Mr. Joestar spoke with a voice full of pain. "His death wasn't your fault, Polnareff."

The white haired man stopped in a place for a second. With sweat going down his face, his eyebrows twitching, teeth clenched and back facing the crusaders, Polnareff spoke, regret filled. "No. It was entirely my fault."

It hurt (Y/N) to see one of her friends like that, but she knew it was for the best for Polnareff not to know that Avdol was still alive.

"Is it alright to assume that Avdol's father is also a Stand user?" Kakyoin asked pointing with his left hand at Avdol's father's house door. The old man nodded telling the students that he was not sure what kind of Stand he had. Kakyoin wasn't so sure about that guy helping them so much, judging after his reaction.

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