Bundle of Joy

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My hand shook as I stared down at the bottle. It's not that hard just do it!. I told myself as the tears streamed quickly down my face. I couldnt do this without him. He was everything, all I ever needed. I needed his smile, his laugh. I needed to talk to him, I needed him to hold me. But he couldnt.

I poured out a handful and picked one up. I put one on my tongue  and forced it back with a sip of water. Then another, and another and another. Soon it was 2 instead of one and my eyes became heavy.

Knock, knock, knock

"Y/N? You alright you've been in there quite awhile?" I heard Neil speak through the bathroom door.

I mentally cursed myself as I heard him open the door, of course i forgot to lock it.

"Oh dear god, Laura! Help!" Neil ran to my side as I started go unconscious, everything was blurry.

"Call 911!" He shouted as Laura arrived at the door, she fiddled with the phone and put it to her ear. all her frantic words were jumbled and quiet, I felt as if I was slipping away from reality.

a few sirens were heard and i was lifted onto something, i still felt dazed. The ride was long, it felt a little too long.


 it had been at least an hour, my stomach had been pumped and I was more conscious. Just extremely grumpy, they ruined my death, for lack of better words. I talked with Charlie and Laura for awhile. Neil paced around the room, drilling me with questions, for a therapist, he sure handled trauma badly. 

Scott arrived shortly after and i became even more upset. a subtle reminder as to why I was here in the first place. I fell silent as he greeted Neil and Laura.

" I don't want you here" I turned away from him as he tried to give me a hug.

he went to speak but i cut him off quickly " I don't wanna hear it either" 

" Now now dollface, that's no way to speak to your Uncle." My head whipped to the door. There he was. He looked rough, his eyes were puffy, his hair messy, but his smile shined through it all. I felt my heart explode. He wasn't gonna forget about me, he still cared.

I ran past my Uncle, nearly pushing him over and ran straight into Bernard's arms. Our lips met immediately. he held me close, nearly squeezing all the air out of my lungs

" I missed you so much. You idiot how come you did that to yourself" his hands were now placed softly in mine as he began to slightly cry. I couldn't control myself and started balling too.

"we'll leave you too alone for a minute" Laura said as she shooed the rest of my family out the door, closing it behind them. 

I buried my face into his sweater, taking in his sweet scent. I missed this almost too much. 

" I just wanted to look perfect for you. I wanted to be everything you've ever wanted."

He pulled me closer to him "You're already everything I've ever wanted. I need you Y/N"

He brought his lips to mine once again. It was such a passionate kiss, it had so much meaning that I felt as if i could melt right then and there.

I pulled away and walked over to the small nightstand beside my hospital bed. I opened the drawer and pulled out a thick envelope.

"I wrote you a note, almost everyday. I really missed you Bernard. I-" I let out a shaky breath as I passed it too him.

"The ones dated for the past week, are really emotion, and.....dark" I looked down at my feet as he started to open the envelope

"N-No! No! Open that later" I swatted at his hands.

"Why not?" He pouted

I pulled him by his hands to the bed "cuddles" I stated quickly and pulled him on with me.

We got comfortable and layed for awhile. He gave me a few hickeys, you know, because he's Bernard.

Knock, Knock, Knock

I cover my neck quickly "Come in!" I shouted and sat up slightly

It was everyone, Neil, Laura, Scott, Charlie, a doctor and a nurse. They all looked concerned, Scott and Neil looking slightly pissed off.

"What?" I asked, this didn't seem good.

The doctor spoke up "When testing your urine for toxins, by law, we are required to run a few more tests" he paused for a moment, I was still confused.

"You're Pregnant, nearly 3 months Y/N" Charlie broke the news.

I froze for a second. I couldn't process the words. I looked to Bernard, his eyes wide and his skin pale.

I was pregnant?

Bernard X ReaderHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin