He's Gotta Get Married

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I woke up to the yelling and cheery laughing of the eleves. I layed still for a moment before stretching and rolling out of my bed. When my feet hit the floor I slightly winced at the cool wooden floor as I stepped on it and made my way over to the window. I peered through as I watched Uncle Scott get tackled by multiple elves. Quickly closing my curtains I walked to my suitcase and picked out an outfit. I put on a plaid skirt and an over sized brown knitted sweater.

I pulled on some shoes and walked out of the room, almost instantly bumping into Bernard

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I pulled on some shoes and walked out of the room, almost instantly bumping into Bernard

"Hey watch where you're- oh its you, be careful dollface" he crossed his arms and smiled

"Yeah, real charming Bernard" I laughed out as I slightly pushed him. He chuckled and started to walk away. "Whats the plan for today? I mean what do you guys do around here?" I asked slightly jogging to walk up beside him.

"Well I'm an elf, just like the most of us around here so we work" he said as we walked "but today I have something rather important to discuss with your Uncle"

"What is it?" I asked

"Well" he said slightly biting the inside of his cheek "There is a rule stating that if your Uncle doesn't get married by Christmas, he will no longer be Santa Claus" he sighed as we reached the door of the Santa suite.

"I'm guessing he wont take it well then" I said as I looked up into his eyes, slightly catching a few sparkles in them, my heart internally ached.

"If only you knew. Your Uncle enjoys being Santa so much, I'd hate to see him out of the job" he knocked the tune of jingle bells out on the door and it was quickly swung open by Scott

"Oh hey guys, where's Charlie?" He asked as he looked around the workshop for his son.

"Still in bed I presume, that kid never gets out of bed early" I earned a few chuckles from both of them

"Come on in then" Scott said as he stepped to the side. As I walked in I was hit with the smell of fresh cookies. The room was even more magical than mine, something straight out of a Christmas movie, although I was basically living one.

I made myself comfortable on the silky red couch in the middle of the room, Bernard sitting down beside me and my Uncle sitting across from us.

"So what did you want to tell me? Scott asked, his eyes flicking between the two of us "You aren't dating are you?!" He widened his eyes and I threw my head into my hands in an attempt to hide my embarrassment. 

"Sorry I'm late" a voice was heard from the side of the room, whoever it was I was extremely thankful for their disturbance.

"Ah Curtis" I felt Bernard stand up beside me "Just the person I was looking for"

I sat back slightly breathing a few deep breaths. Why does Bernard make me feel like way?

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