4. Watch your mouth

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Joha watch the three sentry outside cautiously as he hide behind the curtain. When the guys finally disappear he quickly run inside to find NamJoon. "All clear. They're gone."

The Korean boy nodded and they started to head outside bringing shield with them, made by oval tray, blankets, pot cover, carton. Anything they can cover themselves. That was their set up everyday, those guys usually leave around noon and came back again after about 2 to 3 hours so they just have to watch and wait then go outside to continue with their task for the sake of food considering those stuff aren't allowed inside.

"Here." NamJoon place the laptop in front of the Thai girl where she's sitting and smiled. "Oh wait lemme just get the tools. " He lifted his finger and run to get the said equipments.

Everyone having their own work while 2 of them are watched out as NamJoon checks them one by one like a supervisor.

About an hour Lisa stretched her neck before tapping Louis shoulder who's beside her eating chocolate almonds while he's watching her. "Can you hand me t- what the?" She sighs as she snatched the empty Jar from the guy. "Leave my almonds alone."

"what do you mean 'my'? When It doesn't even have your name on it." Louis rolls eyes as he threw the peanut in the air and open his mouth to catch its landing but Lisa grab it in her palm before throwing it in her own mouth leaving the boy pouting.

"Then I'll name it." She stand up then to him before leaving. "and. Don't ever touch it." then leave him there to refill her Jar.

She's skipping her way towards the kitchen. tongue stuck out to the side as she concentrate to pour the almonds carton into the small Jar. "Oops." she quickly bought the peanuts that fall into the table to her mouth nodding happily at the wonderful and never cloy taste.

When she was about to go outside again she stopped and looked around her for a moment before approaching Dahyun who just got out of the shower. "Hey do you have any marker?"

"I don't think so." She shakes her head. "what for?"

"I'll just-"

"Marker? I think I have one." Lisa sighs dramatically at the familiar voice behind her.

"Come on follow me." Irene nods at her. "It's on my suitcase."

Lisa hesitated for a moment before following her anyway. Since their interaction on the first day the Korean girl almost always finding ways to talk and make a move to the young thai. Not really hiding her obvious attraction to the girl.

Irene waited for the Thai to enter her and Dahyun shared bedroom before closing the door behind her.

"Why were you closing the door?" Lisa arched an eyebrow at her.

Irene rolled her eyes secretly before locking the door. "I have this.. thing about forgetting what I'm about to do when there's a distraction." She sighed when Lisa just looked at her. "I might forget where did I placed that marker if there's a distraction gosh!"

"You're actually getting distracted now."

"Then stop asking questions!"

"okay then. How about find the damn thing now?"

Irene sat down in front of her suitcase but quickly stand up remembering where she actually put it. She grabbed the pen from her night stand before handing it to the Thai girl who mumbled a quite thank you before started writing down something on the Jar.

Irene sat beside her and watch the girl writes her name on the Jar. Her lips slowly curve into small grin and she bit her lip to stop herself from giggling at the girl's cuteness.

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