Chapter 8 : Euphoria

Start from the beginning

[T/N:- the author states the absolute universal fact in the above statements. The earth can be flat but Draco Malfoy's smile can never not be perfect, otherworldly, wonderful, enchanting, gorgeous, supernatural, etc. ( Please add whatever synonym you choose) For proof, the word of any and every HP fan would suffice and would be irrevocably considered officially valid. If you think otherwise …….. \(°–°)/🔪 ]

Stunned, Draco quietly stared at the closed door. It was then that he felt a slight movement inside his portable storage ring.Wanting to investigate what was happening, he inserted a little of his magic inside it and closed his eyes to peer in the inner space of the ring.

In the inner room, a huge egg was rolling around, wrecking things left and right. When it noticed Draco's presence it stilled for a second and then started to excitedly swinging in the same place.

Draco almost banged his head on the headboard behind him due to the mental shock. Looking again, the egg was still there, merrily swinging. In its playful fun, it had knocked many things down and the room was a disaster. It was still playing when Draco saw the tumbling trunk just above the egg, about to smash it into an omelet any second. Without a second thought, Draco pulled the egg out of the ring .

The egg which was eagerly happy and celebrating his nurturer's return by rolling around was abruptly pulled to fall down straight into his dear nurturer's arm. He was so happy. His nurturer felt so warm and good and his magic felt so yummy.

Draco looked down to see a huge egg wriggling in his blanketed lap. It was just wriggling into his lap as if snuggling into him.

With wide eyes, he shouted with utmost shock, " Potter !"

Harry ,who was outside the door, had never left. He didn't dare leave Draco alone. Who knows when he might disappear again ? Or worse , die somehow. He did not like either of those possibilities. So when he heard the call, he readily rushed in forgetting his inner debate entirely.

Entering Harry saw a familiar egg on Draco's lap. But the difference was that it was moving. And Draco ,who looked positively petrified, was crawling away only for the egg to keep coming to him again and again.

' It is following Malfoy' Harry realised with a start and said calmly, " Don't move, Malfoy. It's following you. If you stay put then it will as well"

Heeding his advice, Draco stopped. The egg actively rolled onto his lap and settled against his stomach. It was swaying side to side while sitting there. The swings were so vigorous that Draco knew that anymore and it might throw itself off the bed. Which was exactly what happened within the next moments.

The overly excited egg swung itself so wide that it rolled off Draco's thigh, about to fall on the floor.

" NO! " Came an urgent voice as Harry quickly extended his magical sense to softly catch the egg.

The laboured breathing of two extremely appalled boys echoed in the chamber.

Harry wandlessly pulled the floating egg to himself catching it in his arms before walking to bed and keeping it there again.

As soon as it touched the sheets, the damned thing started moving again. Scared that it might fall down the bed again, Draco freed his hands from the comforter. Laying his arms on the white shell, he tried to steady it but instead of stopping it kept moving around even more at his touch.

Fed up with it, Draco rebuked at harshly,    " Stop ! "

The naughty egg paused at once , leaving both Draco and Harry surprised. Draco gently took the egg in his embrace , slowly caressing the top of it. For the past months, Draco had been actively paying attention to it. It felt like a natural instinct to care for it. He read a number of books in search of any information about it but found nothing. But reading that eggs of magical creatures usually need some kind of nourishment, Draco was worried. He tried different types of potions and liquids but nothing was working and everyday the egg's heartbeat grew weaker. Letting it consume magic was too risky after what happens to Harry. It was one day that Luar told him about an ancient extinct creature that fed it's egg it's own blood that Draco tried to do it as well. And when he spilled a bit of his blood on the white surface of the egg, it rapidly absorbed it ! Since then , Draco has been periodically giving it his blood. The effects were not unseen as soon the heartbeat grew stronger and more stable. But the current advancement was totally unforeseen but the egg had always been different. Afterall which egg sucked blood and magic ?

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