
"Can I speak with you for a second?"

His stern serious deep voice cuts through the joy and everyone in the room turns around to look at Yoongi standing by the door eyes fixed on Soojin.

Her heart skips a beat and she nods her head yes.
"umm, let's give them some privcay" Hoseok motions everyone out of the room.
"i'm really sorry hyung" Jungkook whispers apologetically as he passes Yoongi.
"it's okay Jungkook, it's not that deep" he replies never taking his eyes off Soojin.

once the door is closed Yoongi turns and casually turns the lock before looking back at her. he takes his coat off tossing it on the couch taking calculated steps towards her.

What was supposed to just be a bait for his attention, now feels like a wrong move in a chess game, at the last minute. now she's exposed and the king is mad.

"what goes on in your mind?" Yoongi squints asking quietly.

"what do you mean?" she replies looking at her hands.
"you're way smarter than that" He scoffs taking a step closer and she looks up at him.
"you've been ignoring me all da-"

"We're on live broadcast on national television, surrounded by nosey journalists and media rats, who given any chance, make a mountain out of a rock with their imagination, what did you expect me to do?" he roughly grabs her chin before dropping his voice "it was literally your last day in pretending for the show, and you did that for what?"

"it did catch your attention" she looks up at him with confidence but her chest rises and falls excessively calling her bluff.

Yoongi crashes their lips together harshly, lifting her hips and setting her down on the vanity, her bare back pushed against the cold mirror.

"was it worth it?" He says into her mouth.

Soojin nods panting and brings her hands to his hair but Yoongi pulls back before pinning them to her sides.
"be a good girl and keep your hands to yourself, until i say so" He gives her a glare and she feel her body shrink under his eyes.

Soojin grips the side of the table as Yoongi works with his lips and his hands all over her.
He's not gentle but not too rough either.
just enough to make her let out a loud moan.

"if you can't keep quiet, you shouldn't do things like that" Yoongi bites her neck and reaches down to unbuckle his belt. without a warning he pushes himself in and they both wince in pain.

"was it worth it Soojin?" he asks again and she feels her eyes well up with tears as she slowly adjusts to him.
when she doesn't reply he pulls back looking at her glassy eyes but not stopping his pace.

"was it worth it babe?"

Yoongi smiles at the vulnerable expression on her face, her short breaths driving him crazy but even through the madness, his heart softens immediately for the little tear that falls down the side of her face.
keeping his rhythm he reaches out and brings her hands to his face and she immediately wraps herself around him. after a couple more firm strokes, she lets go in his arm and he grips her tightly.

"it was" she lets the words out in a long breath resting her face on his chest, as he tucks his shirt back in.


A week later the buzz of the kiss dies down as the news of Soojin's Lawsuit spreads around fast like a deadly contagion. the media reacts differently. some call her out for seeking attention and some empathize in her support.
but she doesn't really care as the day of her hearing arrives.

a subtle chatter moves around the dim courthouse. media in the back, the jurors on the side, the judge in position and Soojin and the legal team sitted at one side, Yoongi behind her.
on the other, a suited middle aged man sits alone with a file in front of him.

"Mr Ji, is your client ever gonna show up?" The judge asks and as if on a cue the doors open, the room falls in an intense silent and every head turns in his direction as the man walks in slowly and step by step.

everyone looks at him in disgust and judgment except for Soojin.
her back straight and her head high she looks directly ahead. not even flinching as his footsteps get closer and before he sits he turns to the judge "Your Honor i am deeply sorry for my delay. i hope the court won't take that as any disrespect" and the judge waves him off to sit.

Yoongi reaches out and gives her tense shoulder a firm squeeze whispering "you've got this. i'm right here with you"
Soojin turns to say something, just to come eye to eye with her father. to his surprise with Yoongi's hand on her shoulder she keep his gaze without a blink until he looks away.

Yoongi looks in his direction and his eyes fall on Choi sitting behind him. he looks away before he gets worked up.

with the drop of the gavel, the trial begins.


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