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I was training with Vegito on King Kai's planet, taking it easy today. King Kai tried hiding us, but Vegito challenged the Beerus guy like an idiot. I watched as he got pimp slapped by the god, before sighing and stepping up.

"Oh? Are you going to give me a challenge instead?"

"From the ease you showed in beating him, likely not but I can try."

He smirked, and I unleashed my potential. His smirk grew a tiny bit, and I charged forwards. I threw a kick that he just took. He wasn't phased in the slightest. I shifted and punched him directly in the nose, also gaining no reaction. I jumped back, and fired off a masenko kamehameha, which he just blocked with one hand. I sighed in disappointment in myself before he knocked me unconcious.

I woke up with Vegito, and we used instant transmission to get to earth, where the dragon balls were used to summon shenron. He said we need to use a ritual, only to find we don't have enough saiyans, only for the angel to speak up.

"Well, ahem, this may not work but, there are technically the cells of a saiyan in those three young ladies over there, albeit they are just Y/n's. Also, may I reccomend pulling out to avoid pregnancy? Of course, you humans also have those condoms of yours."

The four flushed, before 18 and Videl walked over, joining the rest of the super saiyans. Y/n rose into the air, before descending.

"Wow, I'm even stronger than the potara fusion, and I'm not even used to the form yet!"

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"Wow, I'm even stronger than the potara fusion, and I'm not even used to the form yet!"

Y/n punched and kicked the air repeatedly, before grinning, and raising into the air with Beerus. The two smirked before clashing.

After a while of back and forth, Y/n dropped out of his god form, but he didn't even notice.

"It appears your body took the form of god, and made it's own."

I looked at myself, before getting an idea. I took a deep breath, and transformed back into god.

"Ah, I see. Now your power is even greater!"

Y/n smirked and rushed Beerus, clashing. To everyone present, it was even resemblant to when Y/n fought Buu. Except he is in the losing role this time. Y/n eventually passed out from exhaustion, and it made everyone question their abilities. Beerus dropped Y/n on the concrete, and faced the group.

"Dammit, I trained with Videl and Lazuli, only to immediately get sidelined!"

Y/n staggered to his feet, before grinning at the god who left. He turned to his girlfriends and family.

"Let's all train to get stronger. Videl, I'm counting on you to help Erasa."

He promptly faceplanted immediately after saying that.

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