"she's a grown woman Yoongi. plus, she's kind of on a date!"

Yoongi glares at him and Hoseok looks away.
"fiiine. why don't you call her?"
"you call her"
"why me?"
"cause i don't wanna look desperate" Yoongi rolls his eyes.

"but you are desperate hyung" Hoseok says keeping a laugh in and the older gives him one last glare before he picks his phone up "fine i'll call her, but if she asks why i'm calling i'm not gonna lie"

"it's busy hyung" Hoseok says and just then Yoongi's phone starts ringing. his face goes pale looking at the screen. he gets up and answers.


the other line stays silent.

"Yoongi, where are you?"
"i- i'm at..Hoseok's..where are you?"

the line goes silent again and he can hear a few sniffles before she speaks up again.
"i'm at your place"
Yoongi's heart drops and he looks at Hoseok who mouths "what's going on?".

"stay right there." Yoongi hangs up and ignoring Hoseok's repeated questions he walks out the door.


Yoongi opens the door to see Soojin sitting on the kitchen counter holding a bottle of soju in her hand. the moment she sees him, she puts the bottle away and hops down.

They stare at each other across the not so long space between the door and the kitchen.

"hey" she smiles but her face is soaking wet with tears.
"what are you doing here Soojin?" Yoongi asks in the familiar deep voice as he takes a step towards her.
"i don't know" she laughs wiping at her eyes with her palm with her green sweater paws.
"i think you do" Yoongi walks up to her and sighs.

after a moment of silent she bursts into tears again. by nature, Yoongi takes a step closer and wraps her into his arms. he looks at the empty bottle on the counter.

"i thought i could just ignore it...i thought if i didn't think about it...i could pretend it wasn't real..i thought i could live with this...if somehow...i could change myself.." Soojin says staggering on her words through quite sobs. "i'm sorry for dragging you into this"

Yoongi pulls back frowning. he brings his head low taking her face in both hands.
"you have nothing to be sorry about Soojin. none of this is your fault."

Soojin hangs her head low holding onto his forearms and he brings her face back up again.
"look at me" Yoongi says but she looks at the floor.
"i said look at me" he repeats and the seriousness in his voice brings her head up.

Yoongi runs his thumbs along her cheeks wiping the tears away.
"from now on, it's you and me against it all. like it or not. i'm not letting you face anything or anyone alone. ever again." He grips her face a little firmer and She feels herself fill up with belonging.

"and..no more secrets" Soojin says looking at him, her eyes shining but her expression sharp and Yoongi nods in agreement.
"no more secrets" he whispers before pulling her back in again.

after a few moments as her aura visibly gets calmer, she pulls away just enough to look up at him.
"and i'm sorry if i didn't say it before"

"what do you mean?" Yoongi lifts a brow at her.
Soojin stands taller on her toes, wrapping her arms around his shoulders, bringing her lips only a breath away from his.

"that i wanna be wherever you are too"

her voice only a whisper as she kisses him silently and gently. and for the first time Yoongi can actually feel her. without the walls. without the fear. and the words bring a sense of security for both of them.

REMEDY 1 (Yoongi fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now