(Short) Bring Em Home

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Your POV

Finishing up the dishes I stood still for a moment thinking back to how Anna and I were a few moments ago. I felt trapped and scared. But somehow it was still loving and caring. Then, the way she stared down at me. I felt as if the whole room went black and all I could see was blood in her eyes... Snapping out of it I heard a knock on the door as I shook my head coming back to reality. I prepared for the incoming barrage as I went up to the door.

Me: Here it comes...

Opening it I watched as Dwight and Meg entered. Looking like they just came back from a visit to hell. New and Jake followed as Claudette came in last. She stopped as I closed the door and I shook my head.

Me: I'm guessing they didn't take it well.

Claudette: They know they're walking corpses. Who would be okay with that?

Me: How are we going to go down about this?

Claudette: Fuck that I know...

Me: It's like we're trying to hide a god damb dead body.

Claudette: Not really helping.

Me: Yep just realized that. Jesus Christ...

Claudette: I can't even look them in the eye right now.

Me: We're just going to need to give them time... But we can't just sit on our ass. I'm checking out one of those sites tomorrow.

Claudette: You're joking. Please tell me you're joking.

Me: Look. We're down two people. Anna is no longer allowed to come into trials. We got Myers out there ready to shove a 50-inch knife up our asses and the Entity is always a step ahead of us. Plus, don't you see. This... THING has been screwing with the people here for God knows how long. I'm continuing my education tomorrow.

Claudette: And you want to into the god damn lion's den!? Are you even listening to yourself?

Me: Well sorry! I guess that means you have better plan right!?

I looked to my right seeing everyone now staring at us argue making Claudette turn her head as well.

Me and Claudette: IS THERE A PROBLEM!?

They scattered instantly as out attention returned to each other as she held a twitch in her eye.

Claudette: You're gonna tell me. You want me to let you go on a suicide mission again? Do you even know what I felt when this all I started?

Me: Yes and it's going to happen to someone else if we don't do something about it. You know that.

Claudette: I know, but just... Fucking god dammit...

Me: More people are going to end up like Dwight and Meg. It's happening right now as we speak. The sooner we resolve this the better.

Claudette: Fine... But just don't act like a Crystal Lake camper and do something stupid.

Me: I promise... So, how's Nea?

Claudette: I like her. She's a bit awkward and sometimes forward as well. Keeps to herself, but she's got her reasons. I think I can break her shell though.

Me: Good...

Claudette: But onto more positive subjects. Did you and Anna get to have a moment?

Me: ...No.

Claudette: Oh you 100% did.

Me: I hate you sometimes. You know that right?

Claudette: Remember those words in the trial (Y/N).

Me: ...That's cold.

??? POV

Holding my blade in my hand I twirled it around my finger before grasping the handle. I felt the same feeling I always felt when holding it. The knot in my stomach. The need to rip and eat my own heart out... I cussed to myself mentally asking myself the same question I ask every time I stepped into this cold realm. How did I get myself into this mess. I sat on the partially snow covered chair as I felt a hand on my shoulder as I simply looked up and straight ahead.

?: It's your turn...

Me: Yeah... I know.

I know, I know it's short! Like EXTREMELY short. But I wanted to post SOMETHING my friends. It's been ages since I put anything in here. I want to go into detail since you know me. DBD is the game I have (or literally everyone who touches it) a love/hate relationship with. So, I'm going to do that. Work on the next chapter on the side and get a GOOD GOD DAMN SLEEP SCHEDULE!... Also stop sending me Ducktales... It's like the gnome meme at this point.

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