Chapter 4

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As I am in the room with Alex, the door opens. Hope and Becky come in to see how I am doing. As we are talking the basics, position, number, favorite club and player. As I am telling my new teammates that I LOVE Portland and Tobin, I notice Hope looking emotionless and angry. I see in her eyes that she feels protective, and jealous? Like I mean the world to her and she doesn't know me yet, like I am a daughter to her now. Tobin walks in and looks at me confused.

"Why does AJ look really scared? Hope, what did you do?" She asks.

"T, she didn't do anything. She looks really protective, and it scared me at first because I didn't see emotion anywhere on her." I quickly defend the goalie.

Tobin relaxes after I explain, and she soon finds out I love Portland. As she pressures me on who's my favorite player, I find myself getting embarrassed. I quietly say, "It's you," and she smiles.

"Awwww, I'm your faaaavorite. Don't tell Kelley or Pinoe, they'll be jealous." She tells me. "Noted." I say causing the adults to laugh. I end up yawning, seeing as it's been a long day and it's sort of late.

"I think the kid should get some sleep, it's getting late and she's had a long day." Hope says. "Thanks, Hopey." I respond, and get a lot of weird looks.

"What?" I question.

"No one calls Hope that, not even us." T replies

"It's fine. She can call me Hopey, I don't mind as long as it's just AJ." Hope speaks up.

I smirk as I lay down. The last thing I remember is someone saying "Night, Little Heath." Maybe it was Becky?


"Should we wake her up or let her sleep a little longer?" I hear a raspy voice say. "Well, we have to leave for the airport soon to meet with the girls for camp." I hear another voice say. I then just sit up since I'm laying on my back.

"Nevermind." The voice says. I rub my eyes before opening them to see Tobin and Alex standing at the end of the bed.

"Morning." They say with small smiles. "Morning." I respond sleepily. "We're leaving Basking Ridge today?" I ask. "Yeah, AJ." Tobin says. "What about school? My team?" I ask. "Well, you're late to school today, and I've already called saying you're gonna be switching. I'll get you set up once we get to Portland after camp." Tobin says. "Okay." I say, thinking about leaving part of my life behind.

I ask if it's fine I shower to freshen up, and it is. I grab some clean clothes, which is just some dark ripped skinnies and a blank t-shirt with a Thorns hoodie overtop. Tobin and Alex tell me they're going out of the room for a bit before I head into the bathroom.

Once out of the shower and dressed, I leave the bathroom to find my hairbrush, and I'm singing as I do so.

"Close your eyes, count to ten, hold your breath and fly. Keep on climbing, though the ground might shake. Just keep on reaching though the limb might break, we've come this far, don't you be scared now, 'Cause you can learn to fly on the way down Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh, fly, fl-" I turn to see Alex and Tobin standing near where the little hall into the room expands into the main part of the room, and stop singing as my eyes widen. "Oh, uh... Hey." I say, as my anxiety takes over, and I continue blushing through my hair.

"AJ... That was really good." My sister says in shock, and I shrug. "What do you mean? You're good, listen to Tobin." Alex says. "Whatever." I mumble and they don't seem to pick up on it thankfully.

Once I finished brushing my hair, I put my brush back up and put on socks before slipping on my Vans since it's almost time to go to the airport I guess.

Well, I was right.

Once we've made the thirty minute drive to Newark airport, we go into the airport and through security.

We see media people ahead of us so I pull up my hood and watch the floor as Hope puts a protective arm around me. "Just keep looking down, ignore anything they try to ask you, we've got you, kid." She whispers in my ear, and I don't answer. I just let her lead me with everyone else.

"Coach Ellis, comments about scouting?" Some ask. "Who's the girl? New player?" Some others ask. "Hope Solo, who's the teen?" One asks out. There's tons of other questions but we quickly get away from them and come to our gate. I take my hood down and get my earbuds out of my backpack.

We're able to get on the plane so we do, and my seat is by Hope, which I'm starting to take a liking to the goalkeeper.

I turn on music, and leave an earbud out for a second.

"Thanks for that Hope. I wasn't sure what I was gonna do." I say. "No problem, kid. Just looking out for you." She says with a small smile.

"Kid making you soft, Hope?" Alex asks as she leans up between our seats. "No." Hope says and glares at Alex, who just sits back.

The plane takes off after a little bit and I put my other earbud in and lean my head on Hope's shoulder before I fall asleep.

AN: Sorry for the long wait on an update. The two of us have been busy, updating may be slow but we are still working on our book. We are sorry and hope you like this chapter.

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