Chapter 3

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It's been about ten minutes, and there's a police officer talking to Tobin. I've only caught bits and pieces of the conversation. I heard "Forced....DNA....Soccer..."

I couldn't help but wonder what they were talking about. What was going to happen to me.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by Tobin and the officer approaching me.

"Listen, give him the bag, and he's gonna cuff you, alright?" Tobin says calmly and cautiously. "Cuff me? No." I say. "It's just to make sure you don't run off, especially with the drugs. I'm just taking you in for questioning, kid." The officer then cuffs me, and I look at Tobin as I pass her while being led towards the officer's car.

Once at the station, Tobin's already there sitting in a waiting area as I'm led to an interrogation room.

Another officer's already in the room when the door is shut behind us and I'm cuffed to the table.

My leg starts bouncing up and down since I don't like the police and I'm nervous.

"Alright, kid. Wanna explain why you're carrying a backpack full of drugs and money?" A detective looking guy asks me. He's the one who was already in the room. I stay quiet because I don't know if I wanna give up my family or not. Just because they're bad people, doesn't mean they're not good in a way. I mean they raised me, gave me a home and food. "Your friend told me you said something about being forced to do this. Is that true?" He asks, and I nod slowly without making eye contact. I then just kind of vent about what I've been forced to do and the officer that brought me in says they've been trying to catch my parents for a while now.

"Thank you. That's all we needed." The detective says and stands up before whispering something to the officer, who then comes and uncuffs me. "You're free to go." He says. "I'm not in trouble? I was literally caught selling drugs." I say, confused. "You were forced into it. You told us what would happen if you didn't. You're free." He says. "Oh." I say and he opens the door for me. I head through it and towards where I remember Tobin is, and my parents and brother are led in by police.

"You little shit!" Dad yells at me as he's led past me, and I move towards Tobin more, since she's stood up and is now standing beside me. Mom frowns as she walks past me, and Ant has a sad smile. "Make me proud." He mouths and I nod. Tobin then stands in front of me.

"Come on kid, we are going to the hospital. I have an idea that may help you not be alone." Tobin tells me.

At the hospital, the doctor comes in and takes blood from both Tobin and I. I sit there confused, and trying to figure out what's going on.

The only reason they would need blood is to compare our DNA. We can't be related can we? She can't be from my old family that gave me away.

I am pulled out of my thoughts by the doctor coming back in.

"After running tests we have concluded that the two of you, are in fact, sisters. I can talk to our legal staff if you, Tobin would like custody of her."

I zone out after I hear the word sister. It can't be. I found my family after all this time. Did she know when we first met, is that why Jill wants me?

What's going to happen to me?

I look at Tobin and I see concern in her eyes.

"AJ are you ok? I didn't know, but I have been looking for you for a while now. I only recently found out about you from Mom and Dad. I am so sorry I didn't find you sooner, I am. Sorry I couldn't protect you. I promise that I will keep you safe from now on, if not as a sister, then as a friend. I can't lose you after just finding you."

Tobin's POV

After telling her my side of the story, I see her thinking through what I said. I really want her in my life still. I can't believe Mom and Dad gave her away. She needs me now, and I will do anything for her already.

"Tobin, I want to be with you. You are my family, Tobin, please take custody of me!" AJ begs me, scared as some tears escape her eyes. I turn and look at the doctor. "Tell me where to sign, I am taking her with me." I say.

She shows me where and I quickly read over the document before signing. The doctor tells us we can leave when ready. When I go to turn back around, I feel something hit me before arms wrap around me. I look down and see AJ hugging me tight, and I hug her back.

"Thank you." She says into me. "For what?" I say. "Not leaving me alone." She says as she pulls away. "I'm never leaving you again." I say.


After that, we leave the hospital, and I see one of the National team girls drove to pick us up. I'm guessing Tobin called or texted her. When in the car, I realize it's Alex Morgan.

"Oh. My. God." I whisper in shock, and Tobin chuckles from the front. "Alex, meet AJ. AJ meet Alex." Tobin says. "Hi." She says, looking back at me with a smile. "Hi." I say nervously, returning one. Tobin then asks where the house is and I tell them.

There's a lot of police here, pulling stuff from the basement, seizing property and all. I'm allowed in to get my stuff.

I pack my duffles full of clothes, and my backpack has my school stuff and devices, and a few things I wanted to keep. My soccer backpack has all my soccer stuff obviously. Once ready, I put on both of my backpacks and grab my two duffles, heading out of the house and to the car where Tobin helps me put them in before Alex drives us to the hotel.

Coach Ellis talks with Tobin when we get there and Alex takes me to her and Tobin's room.

"Tobin's your sister, isn't she?" Alex asks with a smile. "Yeah." I say nervously. "That's cool. I see where that crazy talent comes from. "Yeah, I guess." I say as I sit down in a chair.

"That's not why I'm being recruited for the team is it? Me being Tobin's sister?" I ask. "No, no. Of course not, kid." She says. "Oh, okay." I say.

I then wait quietly until Tobin comes up. 

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