Isolation: Prompt #1

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Prompt: Following WWIII All the nations of the world agree to 50 years of strict isolation from one another to fix themselves and prevent further international conflicts. 50 years later the United States comes out of exile only to learn that no one else actually went into isolation.


While at home, millions of people watched as the world was torn apart by White Privilege and Neo-Nazism, the world leaders and country and government personifications got together to discuss what to do. DC attended the meeting alongside his President and Father, listening intently. 

He was still a bit torn up from the Insurrection, but this was something that needed all of their inputs. After a few hours of deliberating, a verdict was reached. Everyone would cease fighting, withdraw into their own countries, cut off all ties, and deal with the problem on their own. How they did so would be entirely up to them. DC looked down and away, already uneasy with this prospect, but knowing it would be easier to do out of the eyes of the world. 


He returned to the statehouse to break the news and found most of the states in the backyard, watching Louie, Florida, Illinois, Mississippi, and Texas trying to catch a greased hog. He stood in the doorway and felt a slight rush of affection, knowing that this would be the last bit of normalcy that any of them got. 

He heard someone come up behind him and turned to find Georgia, Massachusetts, and California there.

"Holy-!" He jumped slightly and tried to calm his now racing heart.

Georgia gave him a pitying look, "What'd they say?"

At the upset look that crossed DC's face, California got worried. "DC?" 

DC sighed and mustered up his courage, stamping down on his fears. "We're locking down the country, no interaction or influence from the outside world for 50 years to try and root out all of the racists and white privilege here. Round everyone up for a meeting."

The three of them nodded and got to work hunting down the others while DC leaned out the back door and shouted, "Mandatory Meeting! Leave the hog to run for a bit and go clean up!" 

Florida and Mississippi complained, but the others managed to get them inside to wash up.


After about half an hour everyone was clean and present in the meeting room and DC looked around at them, the heavy feeling in his chest beginning to overwhelm him and stealing what he'd planned to say from his thoughts. 

The gathered states stared at him expectantly, waiting.

Once again California came to his rescue, "DC, what was the decision at the meeting?"

DC found his voice after a moment and cleared his throat, "The World Leaders decided that, now that the Covid-19 crisis has been contained and mostly taken care of, there is another problem that we need to address as a whole." He paused and looked around the table at the gathered states and knew, despite how angry some of the states were about to get, that gentleness now would be perceived as weakness.

He locked eyes firmly with a few of the states and said in his best 'no arguments' voice, "We're going into a fifty year period of isolation to deal with the raging Racism and white supremacy in our nation."

As expected, most of the southern states were quickly up in arms. "What dya mean by that, bossman?" Mississippi narrowed his eyes suspiciously.

"I mean, Mississippi, that no one state is more racist than others and that this is a National problem," DC did his best to remain patient with the dissent.

"Well," Florida started, admittedly being rather tactful. "Is there any talk of how to go about it, other than what some states have already started doing?" The entire table looked at him astonished, except Georgia and Loui who looked very proud of him... until he opened his mouth again. "Because, whatever you guys do, I'll do the opposite. You know, to keep the balance," he grinned.

California, hoping to keep DC from being crushed under stress, warningly smacked Florida over the back of the head, "Not the time. Fuck the status quo." 

Florida yelped slightly at the impact and his hat flew off revealing his messy curls and he pouted at California, "As long as I get to fuck something up, I guess..."

"We're planning on reviewing all of our federal laws and rulings from every national document and amendment. If you have any suggestions on changes you would like to see, you can leave them printed out on 8.5/11 inch white paper," here he paused to glare at Florida, "on my desk by tomorrow morning. I also highly suggest you go through your own state laws and local ones, to reevaluate them. Throw out anything giving religious entities the right to lord over others."

Texas opened his mouth and DC staved off the oncoming migraine that heralded, "They still can have the right to deny service based on religion. They cannot, however, demand that everyone else abide by it. The same way we denied anti-maskers services but couldn't force them into a mask."

The outrage that writ itself across Texas's face was almost comical.

"And nowhere in your, excuse my pig latin, bass akwards religion does it state you can discriminate against whole races based on the color of their skin or what crimes they committed. As a matter of fact," here DC paused and tilted his head slightly to the side, eyes firmly locked with Texas's, who's eyes were slightly widening with dawning horror that DC was about to give him the verbal equivalent of a thorough beating. "I'm pretty fucking sure the whole point of your religion was supposed to be to spread peace and love and help the downtrod and despondent, not to be an elitist group of rich idiots with mega-churches.. oh wait, no. It's Maga-churches now isn't it?" 

California coughed and DC broke out of the angry haze he'd been in and shook his head. "Sorry. went a bit self-righteous there.. point being. review and revise your laws as necessary.. M-meeting disbanded." He hopped up ad rushed off, heat coloring his face an embarrassing candy red. 

The whole room was left staring after him in awe, Florida and Louisiana shared a mildly embarrassed look and smile, then California sighed, loudly and caught everyone's attention by standing up and going after him.


After 50 years, they managed to work out all of the kinks in the system. Everything was running smoothly and had been for the past 10 or so years. It hadn't been easy and had brought up a bunch of deep rooted problems in the south that they had had to untangle and iron out before they could move forward, but they'd did it. While they had been doing so they had also managed to become entirely self reliant and progressed in leaps and bounds technologically. However with the reopening of the borders and connections coming up quick everyone had begun getting excited and looking forward to it. 

Finally the day came, 50 years to the day that they had cut themselves off. Everyone was gathered in DC's office, on camera with the sitting President and slowly, one by one, other live feeds popped up from around the world, normal everyday scenes which then switched to the head of each nation. 

After the initial greetings and formalities the president spoke up.

"So, how did everyone's isolations go?"

The other country leaders looked away from their cameras in very obvious discomfort before the French President spoke up. "We did not isolate, only yourself and England did, because you were the area's with the worst racism issues."

The room was silent before DC cut the mic and camera quickly when Texas let out a loud angry curse, only matched by California's string of both Spanish and English curse words. 

It was gonna be a long fucking day.

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