holding her face in his hands, he parts her lips taking it between his teeth before slipping his tongue inside. Soojin grips his coat tightly, as the gentle sensation of their mouths moving together weakens her. and as she feels herself running out of air she gently pulls back inhaling a sharp deep breath.

they lock eyes with wet lips, and red noses.
"I hope your Nana doesn't scold you this time" Yoongi says with a sly smirk and Soojin throws her head back laughing wholeheartedly.

Still holding her face, He brings her head back up facing him, and speaks with a more serious tone.
"look, i don't wanna pressure you. and i reaaly don't know what's happening with us. i don't even know where we're headed, but hell Soojin! right now? i just wanna be wherever you are"

His face is vulnerable, and his voice is genuine. it feels like inside of his heart is empty but in fact it's overflowing.

Soojin smiles and nods slowly before gently kissing him again.


after they come back from Jinhae they both fall right back into schedule. but both still carry their thoughts in the back of their mind, although after the trip Yoongi's been planning to come clean, Soojin is still not sure if she'll reveal her secret yet.

after a long and tiring day, Manager Choi calls her in for a meeting and asks Yoongi to also join them.
Soojin and Yoongi sit a few chairs away from each other awkwardly sharing glancing. waiting for the Manager who's speaking with another man even Yoongi doesn't know.

"although Soojin is a newbie in this business, she's already turned a lot of heads towards herself, and is more popular than many in her field" Manager Choi formally addresses and Yoongi nods in pride.

"but still we need more exposure and news coverage for her, to keep the momentum going." he continues.

"that seems like a good plan. what kind of promotion do you have in mind?" Yoongi leans on his left arm intrigued.

"we were thinking the easiest and most efficient root these days would be a date or two, with another rising star like herself" Manager Choi looks at the other man and they both nod.

Soojin looks at them speechlessly in utter confusion.
"A WHAT?" Yoongi asks feeling his heartbeat pick up.

Manager Choi catches his sudden change in tone and clarifies.
"it doesn't have to be anything serious just a few dates to be photographed together and create some buzz"

"I don't think that's necessary. She's impressive enough on her own" Yoongi frowns at his employee but he looks away.

"Mr Min, with all due respect, but we are the ones who manage every interaction, create every headline and spread every word, i only asked you here so you'd know about the plans."

Yoongi leans forward brows raised and as he's about to argue back when he's cut off by Soojin's voice.

"can I speak up now?" She glares at the men  surrounding her and as they all fall silent Manager Choi motions for her to speak.

"although i don't like decisions being made for me" she looks at them with disappointment and they all look away "but if it will help boost my career, i don't mind"

Manager Choi nods and Yoongi looks at her in disbelief, a sinking feeling in his chest. she feels it but avoids his gaze and continues.
"under one condition only"

"what is it?"

"it has to be 100% on my terms"

the other man looks at manager choi and nods "we can make that work"
"and before i agree to anything, i have to know who you have in mind" she asks.
"oh actually he's on his way up" he says enthusiastically.

"then i guess it's settled" Yoongi gets up and Soojin looks at his twisted expression. but without a second glance he heads for the door. just as he reaches for the door handle, it swings open and he takes a step back.

A young man walks in looking like he just finished a marathon. his medium long dark hair tucked behind his ear that's accessoried with two simple rings. he's wearing a black baggy sweater and pants but has a beautiful soft smile on his lips. chest heaving and his skin glistening he looks at everyone staring at him. he puts down the bag hanging over his shoulder and bows politely.

Yoongi looks him up and down and recognizes his face.

"hi everyone, i'm very sorry i'm late."

he takes a few steps further in the room past Yoongi and turns to Soojin who's looking at him with wide eyes.
"my name is Jeon Jungkook, it's so nice to meet you"


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