"my mom asked for her to take me in, but after she passed, he didn't give any of us a chance, he just took me and i didn't see her for years. until i- until i ran" she looks at the floor and Yoongi looks at her conflicted expression.

"i stayed with her for a month before he found me again. he threatened her, he kept harassing her, but she wouldn't give me up. until one night she came to my room, woke me up, gave me a ticket and some cash and told me to run for my life" her eyes getting glassy, she visibly chokes up. "seeing her so helpless that night, just made me understand there was never a way out of this." she takes a deep breath and looks at Yoongi who's studying her, brows furrowed and speechless.

"although i've called her a couple of times over the past years, but i have to go see her" her voice pleading and raw. Yoongi takes her hand and laces their fingers together and nods reassuringly.

"i wanna see her too" he says and gives her hand a gentle squeeze.
"you do?" she tilts her head in surprise.
he nods yes and she replies smiling softly "okay."


a few days after Yoongi's done with some promotions and interviews and some video calls here and there, they decide to take a roadtrip to Jinhae.
the ride between the cities was somewhat quiet. they listened to music and to Soojin's request, Yoongi talked and explained more about his album, how it's a reflection of his experiences in the industry and one particular song about his emotional struggles.

"oh what kind of emotional struggles?" Soojin raises her brows and gives him a knowing smile from the passenger seat.
Yoongi glances at her, resting his jaw on his left hand, leaning against the door, while the other on the steering wheel. he tries to keep a laugh in but fails.
"you should stop hanging out with Hoseok, his inappropriate sense of humor is rubbing off on you" he says keeping his eyes on the road.

"all these years you've been friends, i wish it'd had rubbed off on you a little" she says not even thinking about the meaning of her words until he suddenly looks at her with a serious look.

"you do?" he asks before looking back at the road, biting the tip of his tongue between his teeth and bottom lip.
Soojin feels flustered and embarrassed but redirects the conversation back to her question.
"so what kind of emotional struggles?" she questions again.
Yoongi smiles before continuing.
"i can't express emotions as easily as many. and to be honest, i can't see the point in trying to make a connection with every single soul you see! don't get me wrong, i like to feel the warmth and comfort of people but i don't have the need to necessarily feel everyone's! so the song is about why i come off as distant and cold. i guess there is some truth to the rumors after all." he feels a bit jittery as he says that but doesn't show it.

"but you're not cold, you're not like that with me at all" Soojin says in a sad tone.

"i ask myself that everyday" Yoongi replies.

She turns her gaze towards the familiar thick rows of trees coming into view. the glistening white scenery bringing back memories as they slowly reach the city's entrance.
she gives him directions and with each familiar place they pass by, she gives him another piece of herself.

"i used to go to school here" smiling, she points out to a place. "i used to walk for 30 minutes every morning, it was the best part of my day. specially in winter"
"of course it was" Yoongi says sarcastically.
She rolls her eyes at him before looking back out the window.
"not because of the cold, because of the cherry blossoms"

as if on cue they reach a semi frozen lake, several ducks and ducklings swimming about, and countless branches of blossoms covered in heavy flakes of snow hover over the lake.
Soojin points out to a bridge and Yoongi follows her finger.
"that's where i had my first kiss"
she smiles fondly as they pass the lake.
"oh, wow!" Yoongi replies to the confession.
"i was 15, it was a long time ago" she looks at him who avoids her gaze.
"seems it was good enough for you to smile like that only remembering it" he glances at her and her smile widens into a laugh.
"i mostly remember it cause my grandma scolded me so bad after she found out"

"good" he says in such serious tone, tilting his head and as the muscles in his neck move, it sends a shiver through her body right to her heart.

"turn this corner, and then the last alley."

a few minutes later they arrive outside an old but still intact house. Soojin gets out first and walks to the green rusty door. she rings the bell a couple of times and wrapping her coat around herself she waits.
Yoongi gets out and looks around the quiet neighborhood. adjusting his cap lower he stops next to Soojin and they both wait for a couple of seconds.
she presses the bell again, and suddenly a familiar yell rings through out the air over the door.


her face lights up and as the dragging footsteps get closer her smile widens.

the door swings open and an old short lady comes to view. her cheeks blushed, her straight grey hair to her chin and her eyes a familiar honey brown Yoongi knows all too well. her mouth agape she looks at the young ones in front her until realization washes over her.

"my..my baby"

She pulls Soojin in, wrapping her chubby hands around her neck so tight.
"Nana.." Soojin lets herself go in the familiar embrace and her tears fall off.

Yoongi feels his whole chest warm up at the sight, but a hint of envy remains.

Nana pulls back and takes Soojin's face in her hands. "you look more beautiful than on tv, you're all grown up" her voice quivering as tears stream down her eyes. Yoongi's presence catches her attention, and she looks him up and down with a glare.

"who is this?" she asks.

"Hello Ma'am. my name is Min Yoongi. it's really nice to meet you" he immediately bows politely, a faint smile on his lips.

Her frown is suddenly replaced with wide eyes and excitement.
"oh, oh i know you! you're that rapper!" she points a finger at him smiling.
"yes Ma'am" he bows again flashing a beautiful smile.

"come in kids" she says wrapping her arms around Soojin's shoulders and guiding them inside.

as they step inside through the doorframe, a new chapter begins. full of possibilities of unknown stories unraveling, as if entering a new world. Her World.


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