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e l e v e n
A v e r l y n
i n t e r r o g a t i o n

I wake up in Spencer's arms, my face tucked into the crook of his neck. Although we're in a hospital, I can still smell his faint cologne, light coffee and strong lavender. It's enough to send anyone back to sleep. I don't move, I bask in his touch, even when he shows signs of waking. I keep my eyes closed when he brushes my hair out of my face and gently traces a finger across my eyebrows. He then leans down, careful not to hurt his neck or wake me as he presses his lips against my forehead. I can feel my eyes start to burn again but don't let the tears show as I stay still. Spencer doesn't deserve any if this, he doesn't deserve everything he gets. With the addiction, with Maeve, with this. All this, and it's my fault. I pretend to wake up, giving him a dreamy smile once I grasp the confidence to look up at him. He's got sleep laced all over his face, his eyes are dark and cloudy all at once. Did he sleep at all or too much?

"Guten Morgen." I grin, poking his arm just in case he thinks my arms don't function properly. "See, I'm really good at speaking German. Hallo, wie gehts?" I wait for him to reply, which he doesn't. Does he not know German? Instead of speaking in German, he chooses another language I don't understand. Latin. "That isn't German." I whine, poking him again. He grins down at me and we just stare at each other with adorable smiles on our faces, wrapped in each other's arms until my phone starts to ring, it's JJ.

"JJ, it's Avery." I say, biting my tongue from saying Agent. I'm not an agent, I'm just a mutual helper. "You mean you want me to talk to him?" Spencer sits up slightly so that he finds it easier to overhear JJ's words.

"JJ...I don't know. Only if it will help find Morlace and Godwin." I say as I rest my head against Spencer's chest. "Alright, I'll be in there in 30, I need to go back to my hotel and change first." I hang up the call and turn back around to see Spencer.

"She wants you to talk to Robert?" Spencer asks, a judgemental tone in his voice. He doesn't think I can get information out of him.

"JJ and the rest of the team think he will open up to me because he's obsessed with me." I say blandly, climbing off the uncomfortable hospital bed. I've been in hospital beds before, but this one is the most uncomfortable one yet. Spencer made it feel better, I had a nice pillow. "By obsessed, I mean he won't stop talking about me." I mutter, giving Spencer a goodbye smile as I grab my jacket.

"I can drive you to the hotel?" Spencer pleads, attempting to climb off the hospital bed after me. I stop him and chuckle to myself.

I chuckle, "nice try, Doctor. Spencer you got shot. I'll call you and tell you how it went. I'll be alright. See you soon, Spence." I leave the hospital, waving to Savannah as I leave to call a cab. I completely forget Hotch says I should always go everywhere with an agent, but I get to Quantico just fine.

"Avery - he's in here. Are you ready? Don't try to flatter him too much, try and get to the point. Try and stall him, though. Make him make a mistake, maybe he'll slip up about his partners. Don't play his game." Hotch reminds me, unclear that I came in without an agent escort. "And Averlyn? You're an Agent." I nod and take a deep breath before I walk into the interrogation room, alone.

He looks rough after spending the night in an interrogation room. We have proof he murdered those women, he isn't getting out of here. When he sees me he grins, his whole face lighting up. "Avery..."

Innocent: Spencer Reid ✔️Where stories live. Discover now