From the treadmill Emma noticed them walking away, she nodded her head towards them. "What do you think they are up to?"

Nat hit the keys on the treadmill to slow it down and then stop, Emma followed suit, picking up quickly how to use it. "Who knows." She panted and stretched her back, then picked up a bottle of water and handed it to Emma. "Those two are like brothers and just as stupid too. And god, you then put Sam in the mix it's worse!" She laughs then takes a swig of her own water.


"Yeah, Falcon. He's one of the good guys, he helped me and Steve out on an Avengers thing a year or so back. He comes and goes. Nice guy, you'd like him. Actually you'll probably meet him at the party on Friday." She frowns at her. "Your coming right?"

Emma chuckles and shakes her head. "Tony made me promise to show my face later, when it dies down. But, I can't be around all those people Nat, I don't feel ready for that." She really didn't, it scared her that so many could be in danger from her freaking out or something.

"Are you doing the meditation that Bruce suggested?"

Emma raised her eyebrows and grimiest a little. "Yes...ok, no I haven't. I did however start smoking."

"Ha, I noticed that. Fuck Bucky and his bad habits." She shook her head as she towelled off her sweaty hair.

"No it wasn't him, I think I was a smoker anyway. When I tried it the other night, it felt normal, like it was something I would definitely do."

"What did Steve say?" She smirks and wiggles her eyebrows.

"He actually hasn't said anything about it. He must know, he's got to smell it, but, who knows." Emma grabs the towel from the floor and wraps it around her neck, looking at the floor and chewing on her lip wondering how to approach the next subject. "So, is Steve, like, or has he..."

Nat chuckled and pursed her lips together. "There have even a couple of ladies interested. He's had a few dates, but no girlfriends. So you do like him then?"

She let out air, puffing her cheeks. "Yes, but I'm confused. He makes me feel so safe and calm, warn even. So yeah I like him a lot, but he doesn't say anything and yeah he touches me," she noticed Nat raise her eyebrows "but not in any way other than in passing, you know."

Nat sat down on the floor and motioned for her to do the same. "Ok, so is it the touch thing that's confusing you?"

She sat down and chewed on the inside f her cheek for a moment. "I think so. Touch and smell are massive to me." Nat nodded and she took that as encouragement to open up a little. "I can smell everyone within a certain radius..."

"Wait, do I smell?" She saw the disgusted look on Nat's face.

"Yeah" she chuckled "but, it's not bad, don't look so horrified for gods sake. It's a unique scent, yours in like oranges or something citrusy, it's nice." They both laughed. "Bruce smells like, god how can I describe it, like 'wet', no that's wrong, ... like when you just come out the shower, before you put deodorant or use anything, or of fresh damp air."

"He smells wet, I can't wait to tell him that."

"No don't, I don't want to upset him."

"I'm kidding this is personal all to you, I'm not gonna tell anyone. What about Tony, Bucky...Steve?"

"Tony, unsurprisingly smells like a fucking sweaty tin can!" Again they both laughed. "Steve smells like the almonds and leather, I dunno if he uses a hair thing with almonds in or what, but, it's fresh and nutty."

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