-:85. Namjin's Wedding:-

Start from the beginning

Seeing Hoseok's face fall, Aera glares at Taehyung as if accusing Taehyung, "What?" Taehyung asks looking at Aera.

Then he turns his face to Hoseok & sees the fallen face of Hoseok, "I mean Hoseok, you didn't tell me that you told the truth to Jin Hyung! I didn't expect it from you!" Taehyung says.

Hoseok looks up into Taehyung's eyes "Tae! I know my apologies doesn't lessen the pain I caused to you, doesn't let you forget how monstrous I have behaved with you, what may be the reason I have, I know it's wrong to do so with you...when I know how painful it is myself" Hoseok says murmuring the last sentence.

Taehyung doesn't say a word but he is just looking at Hoseok to see if he could find any lie but he couldn't, all he could see is guilt, pain & regret in Hoseok's face.

As Taehyung isn't saying anything Hoseok took it as a signal to continue & speaks "I know forgiving me is impossible...and don't think I am saying all this to gain your sympathy & forgiveness, no...never forgive me Tae! Even if you want to! I know your heart but don't forgive me, never, I am not worthy of your forgiveness! No one who does rape is worthy of forgiveness! I just want-" Hoseok is about to say more when Taehyung stops him.

"Stop it! What are you saying in front of our daughter, Hoseok?" Taehyung asks closing Aera's ears.

"I am sorry, Tae!" Hoseok quickly apologizes.

"Kai! Kai!" Taehyung calls.

"What happened?" Kai quickly comes as he hears Taehyung's calling.

"Take Aera with you! I need to talk with Hoseok!" Taehyung says handing over Aera to Kai.

Kai takes Aera but looks at Hoseok that if he should do as Taehyung is saying, Hoseok nods his head & Kai takes Aera with him leaving Taehyung & Hoseok while closing the door.

"Now tell me...you were saying...you just want to...what?" Taehyung asks with all seriousness.

"I just want to protect you & Aera from now on & after 3 months everything is going to be fine & you don't have to stay with me forcibly anymore, you can go to your home or where ever you want, I won't stop you...but till then can you..." Hoseok stops & hesitates to continue.

"Can I...what?" Taehyung asks.

Hoseok gulps seeing Taehyung being so serious & couldn't stare at Taehyung's eyes, nervously he asks "Can you allow me to be with Aera? I...I know I am being selfish...but Tae *holds Taehyung's hands desperately* I want to be with Aera at least in my la...I mean at least this three months!" Hoseok pleads.

Taehyung furrows his eyebrows, he knows that Hoseok is hiding something from him but Taehyung don't want to push him in saying & all the drama is enough for today & Hoseok's request isn't much not to accept as he just wants to be with his daughter but something is hurting inside Taehyung's chest that he can only stay with Hoseok for only 3 months, "Okay!" Taehyung says.

"You agree?!" Hoseok asks his eyes brighten & his lips are in a curve.

Taehyung nods & Hoseok couldn't contain his happiness & hugs Taehyung tightly while continuously saying thankyou, while Taehyung is blinking his eyes at Hoseok sudden action.

As Taehyung isn't hugging back I mean he is in shock, of course, Hoseok realizes his mistake & quickly breaks the hug saying "Sorry! I didn't mean to..."

Taehyung grabs Hoseok's collar & asks "Hoseok! This behavior of yours...is it you for real or you are a fake Hoseok?"

"What? I don't understand what you are saying!" Hoseok says perplexed.

"POKER HEARTED" ✿A Jikook & Vhope Angst✿✔️Where stories live. Discover now