Chapter .10

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Shuichi's POV:

Me and Kirumi-san sobbed for a while,

After that I left go of her a thanked her.

"Thank you Kirumi-san......b-but I need to go and find more alibis...."

She nodded and wiped her eyes.

I turned around and decided to look for
Miu...Kirumi said something about Miu in her alibi, so the most reasonable thing to do I ask Miu her alibi.

As I walked down the halls I went to Miu lab, and sure enough she was there.

"Hey Miu can a ask you something."

She turned around quickly and wiped her eyes as fast a she could.......

"Y-you didn't see a-anything virgin!"
She choked up on her words.

I smiled sadly..

"It's okay Miu, me and Kirumi-san were in the hallway just don't need to hide you feelings."

She looked at me and began to cry.

"I-I..... I'M SO SORRY!!!"

She fell to the ground, I ran quickly and crouched down.


As many times as they fought, Kokichi and Miu thought each other as siblings, siblings that fought si often, that there mom would tell them to separate for the rest of the day.....

"I-it,....... It's all my fault....."

"Don't say that Miu! Kokichi wouldn't have want you to blame yourself like this!"

She looked up at me..... And wiped her eyes.

"You want my goddamn alibi right..."


"Well it was 5am exactly when I woke up.
It was pretty early but I still got up and dressed. I headed out to my lab to work and left around 5:10am, I wanted to grab a snack, so I went to the dining room, I heard a glass shatter and a this right after so I ran in....... I-I, I found Kokichi's body at 5:13am a minute right after he died, but I got a glimpse of the culprit, they were wearing a huge cape to cover the body and face, they ran right past me and I ran after them, but when they got out of the building they disappeared, but I saw Kirumi, Rantaro, and Himiko so I needed to bring them to Kokichi's body....."

She sighed...

"I know I don't have a soild alibi, but I watched the culprit leave Kokichi's body there, they dropped a piece of rope, I think they were planning to do something with his body, but I got there a they made a run."

>"Miu's Account" has been added to the Truth Bullets section in your Monopad.

"Don't worry I believe you Miu, but I need to go."

I stood up and left.

I walked out of her lab and went to find Rantaro.

Lucky enough for me, Rantaro and Himiko we're right outside the door.

"Oh hey Shuichi, did you find any clues yet?"

"I only have a few alibis but thanks for asking Rantaro."
(Me and my little sister wheezed so hard because I did the Debbie Ryan thing while saying 'thanks for asking Rantaro' and we laughed so hard my gut hurt)

Rantaro laughed.

"I'm guessing you want me and Himiko's alibi, huh?"

I nodded.

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