Chapter .5

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Shuichi's POV:

'Kokichi knows who killed Kaede?!'

'Plus he seems serious right now, I don't think this is one of his lies.'

Kokichi sighed, "Kaito, you said you checked Kaede's room right?"
Kaito nodded anxiously, probably waiting for what Kokichi has to say.

"Did you find anything cover is blood possibly? Like a sharp object."

"Well, while I was looking in her room I found out her mirror was broken, and there was this large and sharp shard that was covered in dried blood with it on the ground."

Kokichi nodded.

"Then my theory is correct.
Kaede commited suicide." He said bluntly.

The room was quiet.
The are was sucked out of everybody....

Did Kaede reallt kill herself.

But Kaito had to say something about it.

"Kokichi, if this is one of your sick lies--" Kaito started.
"NO KAITO IT MAKES SENSE!" Kokichi snapped, I haven't heard him yell like that this whole trail, it made me jump a bit.

"While me and Rantaro checked the kitchen, I found a note in one of the cabinets, it was a suicide note. The fact Rantaro found a already dried blood stain on the leg of the chair, and that Kaito found what could potentially be a used for self harm, WITH dried blood. The knife used to kill her looked like she had it in her hand, there was the same bloody finger prints on the knife as Kaede had on her hands." Kokichi stated.

"It made sense.....but the note could have be writen by any of us."
Ryoma said.

"But if it is true, and she did commit suicide, then she is a woman of culture like me."

"Ryoma, now is not the time to talk about your fucking suicidal thoughts, when one of our friends could have COMMITED SUICIDE! Now go shove a stick up your ass!"
Miu shouted.


"Well G-gonta doesn't understand what this, 'suicide' is......"
Gonta said, but I guessed no one heard him because everybody started yelling at Kokichi and saying that his answer was bullshit.

"If Kaede really killed herself, then why wpuld she hide the note!?Unles you're jusy lying, You degenerate!" Tenko.

"This case is to obvious to be a suicide..... the killer could have writen that note!" Tsugumi.

"Why should we trust this lying bastard?!" Kaito.

"He lies alot you know." Maki.

"Atua says you're going to hell Kokichi if you're lying!~" Angie.

"Nyeh..... why would Kaede stoop to suicide anyway....." Himiko.

"The way humanity acts is strange.... although, Kaede was a happy person, why should she have chose to kill herself?" Korekiyo.

"G-guys, we should listen to what Kokichi still has to say-" Kiibo.

"Kaede, someone as happy as her, would she really kill herself?." Kirumi.

"G-gonta still doesn't understa-" Gonta.


Kokichi's POV:

All I can hear is the same phrase







"SHUT UP!" I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could......

All the voices quieted down.....

Everybody stared at me.......

I felt wetness fall down my cheeks....

I stared at everybody......

"I-I didn't finish speaking guys......." I tried to sound confident, and try not to sutter.....

I cleared my throat....

"Kaede.... j-just because she was acting happy, d-doesn't mean s-she wasn't faking it......" I said I hung my head low....

The only people that believe my real tears were Shuichi, Tenko, Miu, and Kirumi......

"J-just because she had a mask..., doesnt mean she wasn't crumbling underneath guys....." I said.

"I-I agree with that!" I heard from the other side of the room.
I looked up, and Shuichi was there.

"Nobody was in the room where it happened... so that doesn't mean me we can assume she was murdered." Shuichi said.
I felt a smile on my face......

Shuichi cleared his throat.

"This is the answer to our case!"

"It all started when we got here, me and the culprit got along, we talked about how to stop the killing game, the culprit was happy, but underneath that was something sad.... they were planning to commit a murder, not any murder.... but suicide.
Once the introductions were done, Angie gave the Culprit her art pen to borrow. Everbody left, except for Miu, Kiibo, Himiko, and Tenko. The Culprit went to the library, they found a book that had a place to take notes, they wrote out a letter, and ripped it from the book, they went to their dorm, and broke their mirror, they grabbed a shard of glass and sliced it on their arm.....
They made their way to the dinning room.
They sat down on the chair, they were drowsy due to the blood loss from their arm,
they stood up and when they did that the chair fell over and their blood dripped on the cahir leg, they decided to cover their arms with their sleeves, and walk to the kitchen where they kept the knifes.
They grabbed one of the sharpest ones, and left the kitchen, they got into the dinning room, and placed the suicide letter in one of the cabinets.
They then trashed the place, guessing because of a mental breakdown, the Culprit then got in the middle of the mess and sliced their own neck, their body collapsed and the knife fell out of their hand. The blood spilled  and soaked into their sleeves, so nobody could assume that they did self harm."

Shuichi took a breath,

"The culprit of this case is the victim herself."

"Kaede Akamatsu."

"Welllll done Shuichi!" Monokuma shouted. He stood up.
"But now I am angry that you solved the case!"
"Now their won't be any executions....."
Monokuma hung his head......he really wanted to off someone huh.
"BUT THATS OKAY SINCE I HAVE THE PERFECT MOTIVE AFTER THIS!" Monokuma then disapeared and left everybody to go back to their dorm.

I sighed and headed to my dorm, I looked at the beautiful decorations me and Shumai put up......

I started to tear up.......

Kaede.... somebody as nice as her killed herself because of this stupid game...........

I guess I have to sit here and wait for tomorrow to arrive.....













I hope it doesn't.....

Chapter Complete

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