that caught the chinese off guard, but he didn't get to ask his son about it when the boy immediately sprinted up to his room and take the warm bath he promised, getting himself ready for school. standing back up, kun turned around and was startled to see the man being this close to him, wrapping an arm around his waist just to pull him close.

good morning—❞ hansol was about to give his husband their usual morning kisses, but he was cut off by a hand on his chest, pushing him an inch away.

followed by a question that crumpled the man's hope. ❝what did sian mean by that?

with a hopeless groan, hansol placed his head down to his husband's shoulder, alongside with his arms dropping back to his side in disappointment. ❝god, it's still you?

puffing his cheeks, kun smacked his arm for saying that. ❝that's rude of you!

and you're violent,❞ moving away, hansol hissed at the sore spot where the younger had hit him. funny, because he can take knives and guns on his body, but he can't take his husband's smacks. ❝as always.

he knew that it's nothing to sulk about, the man did have the right to be upset by the situation still being the same, but he can't help but mope about how disappointed the taller male sounded when he knew that they were still facing the same issue. sure, he may still not be the husband, but the older didn't have to rub it on his face. ❝whatever, i'm making breakfast.

it's so frustrating, and kun doesn't even know why he's acting like this.

hansol stopped grunting in pain when he saw the younger walk away and march to the kitchen. he was stomping his foot like a kid, making him slightly smile at the adorable action, but he was more on wondering as to why he looked mad in the first place. and so, he followed from behind, standing by the kitchen island as he watched his husband's figure being busy.

busy cooking, and busy sulking.

he could clearly tell from behind that he was not in the mood. yet, hansol still bothered to ask. ❝are you angry?

angry? hah!❞ a scoff was heard from the chinese as he was slicing up cucumbers, doing them slowly and surely, imagining that it's the man's head he is decapitating. ❝i don't know, am i? with you, pfft, please. why would i be angry?

even with his husband's younger self taking over the body, he could still see the resemblance of the two whenever they are upset. looks like some things just really doesn't change, but the real question is, why would he be mad? it probably is because of how hansol just answered him with a question even when he is asking one. well, might as well answer it now.

you usually are strict with sian in the morning. the moment you wake him up, you make him take a bath just so he can prepare for school without a second to waste, not play hide and seek with him. that's why it was strange for him to see you all playful in early in the morning. but you heard him, he liked it.❞ as he told him that, hansol flinched from his place when he heard a loud thud coming from the chopping board.

a mocking laugh from the younger was then heard, lashing his frustration to the vegetables he is cutting. ❝why, am i too old to play?

that wasn't the response which hansol was expecting. ❝are you still mad?

rather than mad,❞ with his mind going to places, kun was reminded of the line which his cousin's friend would always say whenever he's upset. ❝i wanna stabby, stab, stab you

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