Гнев: Origin: Part 1: A day to live in Imfamy

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"I'm sorry, young man. I don't think you can be a hero." All Might, or rather, a shell of what he should be says, looking at me. I feel my heart shatter as my biggest idol breaks my dreams in front of me

"I.....I thought....you.....is it just because I don't have a quirk?" I ask, nearly crying. 

"Midoriya-shonen........there are other profession for those without quirks who want to help. Fireman, Police officers, hell, even the military. But a hero......I'm sorry. There are some things you simply need. A quirk happens to be one of them." He says, standing up. I, on the other hand, fall down to my knees. 

"I......I............" I mutter, as I hear the door to the roof close. I look down at my hands, covered in dirt, a bit of sludge, and tiny amounts of blood. 

All I ever wanted was to be a hero. Like most kids in Japan, as well as around the world, I wanted to be a hero. Someone who could help everyone....with a smile. Just like All Might. But now........fuck

"Dammit. Dammitdammitdammitdammit DAMMIT!" I shout, tears leaking down my face as I slam my fist into the hard concrete roof, and instantly regret it. I feel a cut open on my hand, and I hiss in pain, gripping my hand tightly. Opening my hand, I look at the nasty cut. Looking down, I see a blood covered rock. I must've slammed my fist down on it. Reaching into my bag, I grab a small first aid kit I always keep in there, and bandage the cut as best as I can. Mom's gonna kill me. 

Forcing myself to move, to do something, I get up, and begin walk to the door leading to the stairs. I open the door, and trek down to the first floor of the decrepit building, and try to find my bearings. I manage to do so, and begin walking towards home. 

"Fucking stupid. I mean....come on. Clinging onto All Might? Really? Fucking stupid...." I mutter, beating myself up, mentally. Physically......yeah....someone else does that.

I continue to walk, and as I do, I spot a crowd. They're talking about heroes. A kid....a sludge.....wait, sludge?

Looking over the crowd, or rather, trying too, with my short stature.I manage to push my way somewhat to the front. I spot a few heroes.....Backdraft.....Kamui Woods....Death Arms.....someone who might be Mt. Lady....and then the Sludge Villain. Looking closely, I spot a spike of blond hair. Then.....a pair of bright red eyes. Bakugo. 

I almost walk away. Almost. But then I think about Auntie Mitsuki. Uncle Masaru. If they knew........

"Fuck it." I mutter, then charge through the crowd, ducking the heroes, and charge at the villain who attacked me not an hour ago. 

"Oh, so you're back! Good, I can kill you now!" The sludge thing shouts, and I don't answer. I merely throw my backpack as hard as I can, and thankfully, the universe helps me for once. Something manages to hit to the sludge, startling him just enough for me to rush in, and try to Bakugo

"LET GO, YOU DAMN NERD! I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP!" Bakugo roars, but I ignore him, and try to pull him. 

"MOVE, KID!" A harsh, powerful voice roars. I move on instinct, and Endeavor, the number two hero, lands in front of the sludge, grabbing Bakugo and ripping him out of the sludge, then just torches the thing. It screams in pain for a few seconds, then stops. It's either dead or unconscious. I'm not sure which is better. 

"Glad that's taken care of."Endeavor mutters, as I fall flat on my ass, shaking with adrenaline. 


"Let me handle him. I'll make sure he won't forget." Bakugo says, and I feel my body tense. Oh no.....oh no....

"You sure, kid? I mean, I can handle him." Death Arms replies, cracking his knuckles. 

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