Chapter 37: Date of the Centery

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Christi's POV
I got into The Rainbow and sat next to CC. I laid my head on his shoulder and kissed his cheek. He put his arm around me and asked what was wrong with me and Raven. I told him in his ear. He looked at Raven.
“You need to tell us Raven.”
She looked to the ceiling and let a big sigh.
“I’m pregnant.”
There wasn’t a big reaction they asked who the dad was then there was a big reaction. We all congratulated her and Ashley kissed her cheek so innocently.
“So when is the baby due Raven?” I asked with a smile as I continued to smile and lay against CC in the booth. She smiled back and shrugged the I don’t know shrug.
“You have a doctor right Raven?”
“Like I have money for this Christi please get your head out of cloud number nine for five minuets okay?”
“Okay I’ll get you one.”
She didn’t say anything. She just laid her head on Ashley’s shoulder.
After all the awkwardness wore off from everything we all began to have more fun. Placing bets on pool shots, taking shots, telling jokes, and having a great dinner. After a while we walked the strip and going out is never easy with fans walking around all the time but we got through it easy.

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