"How? "He asked surprised but pleased.

"I am not going to tell you" you hummed in thought. "Now Jonathan you also took a hit to the stomach, didn't you?"

"Yes I did but it is not as bad, it is alright." He tried to convince you, but you were not buying his act. A punch to the stomach always hurt and you do not want to find out later that he has internal bleedings.

"Now Jonathan, take off your shirt alright and let me examine you."You declared.

Promptly Jonathan's face exploded in many shades of red, gripping onto his shirt tightly refusing to undress in front of you. You were a woman after all no matter how you looked and behaved. Even in the eyes of society you were not a "woman" but a woman in male's clothing and educated. You were quite the "gentleman".

"Do not make a fuss in here Jonathan. Just strip already! God damn it! You are not a fair maiden so it does not matter if you stand in front of me half naked!" You exploded trying to get off his shirt as Dio just stood there clenching his fist. Jonathan is behaving like the virgin he is as he was gritting his teeth in frustration, he would have gladly took off his clothes for you to see, but no it was not him Dio but that Joestar brat!

"NO! Y/N! Stop it please you are ripping my shirt!" Jonathan pleaded however you showed no mercy pulling even harder.

"Stupid Jonathan, remove that shirt already or are you secretly a girl?" You shouted still pulling full force.

"But Y/N you are a lady, a fair maiden, you lose your decency your innocence...." He tried to reason.

"Shut the fuck up!! What decency or innocence have I left when I am swearing like a sailor, wear pants and suits in public, flirt with the maids in the kitchens as well as with every good looking man I meet, hell I even flirt with Dio Brando! I am freaking 89! Like I never had sexual intercourse! So remove that shirt of yours, Jonathan Joestar!!!!!"

Dio was speechless, what were you talking about. Even Dio Brando? What does that mean? He was fairly good looking and charming for twelve years old just wait until I fully grow up, he thought, you will be begging to be in my presence. Still he completely ignored the important facts you revealed about yourself.... or not.

"Wait how old are you?! I, Dio demand answers", he tried to interject. But the other two completely ignored him, still busy fighting.

"Y/N! You cannot make me do that!" He was near tears as he tried to keep his precious shirt on.

"Why Jonathan and give me reasons not to look at your body. You are twelve years old, you do not have to have a six pack abs or... Wait, do not tell me you are in reality a girl?!" You exclaimed shocked letting go, making Jonathan tumble into the bookshelf as he lost balance.

"What? NOOOO!"

------------------------------------------Time skip-----------------------------------

After a lot of bickering and finally being able to remove that stupid shirt (yes, you ripped it of him) you could treat Jonathan.

"So now you are finished!" You answer proudly. "It was not as bad as you imagined it" You teased him, everybody who would have entered in this moment would be more than just confused, the lifeless body of the Joestar heir lied on the ground completely drained and shirtless and Y/N smiling diabolically while looking down on him. Dio was a loss of word too. For the first time in his life he has never seen a woman like you before, not only were you able to beat him effortlessly in a boxing match, were able to heal injuries in a matter of seconds but were 89 years old and still looked in your early twenties late teens. Were you even human? He had to know, you could play a great role in his plans if he could get on your good side or you would turn out to be the most terrifying enemy if you decided to be.

The last one standing A Jojo's bizarre adventure fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now