"well we kinda had a moment last night" she awkwardly says leaning back against the sink.
Hoseok immediately turns in his seat.
"Oh my god I knew it!!! what happened??" he excitedly asks.

"shhh!" Soojin brings her voice down before sitting next to him.
"well nothing really, it didn't get to that part" she rolls her eyes but visibly getting flustered.
Hoseok covers his open mouth in shock for a second, before going back to his neutral face.
"well it was only a matter of time, but why does he look mad?" he asks.
"that's what i'm confused about" Soojin looks down the hall and from where she's sitting she can see his bedroom door is closed.

"knowing Yoongi, i'd say give him some time. he'll come around when he gets fussy. but on the other hand, he's never been the way he's with you with anyone, so i don't know? maybe talk to him?" Hoseok replies with a confused look, chin resting in his palm.

Soojin contemplates to herself. nodding her head while taking a bite of a dumpling. what's there to lose? or gain? if he's upset with her then she'll set things straight, and if it's something else, then she'll help him through, like he's done for her.


she gets up and heads toward his room.

"Yoongi?" She gently knocks twice, and after a few seconds he answers.
"come in"

She opens the door to see him getting dressed in front of the mirror. black jeans, black shirt, black coat. creating an intimidating image of him as if she wasn't a bit scared already. but then the room is filled with the familiar fresh citrusy smell of his cologne making his aura a bit warmer as she walks in further.

"um are you okay?" she asks standing next to his bed looking at the untouched covers. a reminder to the fact that he didn't spend the night in his room making her stomach twist as anxiety hits in.

"yeah. why?" his answer is short and sure, as he bottons up his shirt.

She pauses before asking the next question. unsure if it's the right thing to say. but still she goes on ahead and asks it.


she looks at him who's still not looking at her. but then the question catches his attention. the way she said "we" tingles with his occupied mind. he then truns and walks towards her. still gaze on the floor.
"yes, we are" his deep voice makes her heart skip a beat.

"then why do you look upset?" she asks carefully.
He huffs a laugh from his chest before finally looking at her.
"i'm not upset Soojin. i just have a lot on my mind today." he says nodding, waiting for her reaction. but she doesn't do or say anything.

"i already talked to Mark. he'll take you to the house" he turns and grabs his rings from the bedside table.
"and also, i won't come home tonight" he says before leaving the room and a very confused Soojin behind. now she feels upset and slightly rejected. her mind going to a million places.

but right now she has to be at another one.


after 20minutes of arguing with Mark, he finally agrees to just come upstairs do a quick check around the apartment and then wait for her downstairs. and she promises to be quick.

Although Yoongi's apartment is plush and comfortable, and has everything you could need and more, but still she misses the cozy space of her own small house. and after the past 24 hours, she really needs to be with herself.

She quickly takes a bath and it relaxes her mind a bit. as she gets clothed she grabs some new clothes and puts them in her bag. feeling her stomach growl she heads straight to the kitchen. She opens a cabinet and brings out a small wooden box. opening it to reveal the fruity candies she's addicted to. she happily pops one in her mouth, before grabbing the box to take it with her.

Just as she walks out of the kitchen to the living room she sees an oh so familiar figure sitting on the edge of the couch. she freezes in her place, her grip growing loose around the box causing it to fall to her side.
"oh Soojinnie, long time no see my girl" the old man says as he gets to his feet and she feels the living life being kicked out of her. resentment taking over, her breathing becomes loud.

"how did you get in here?" She asks keeping her voice as stable as she can.
"no lock stays locked in my presence, you haven't forgotten now have you?" he makes a sad face and her whole body shakes at the familiar threat.
"a gaurd is standing right downstairs waiting for me" she shakily points at the door.
"but he's not here right now, is he?" He smiles deviously walking around the table and coming closer. her hand twitches as she steps back.
"relax, I won't be long, and as much as I miss you, I won't get near you" he says looking around the apartment "don't wanna get sued by your pretty little boyfriend" he laughs and it makes her sick to her stomach.
"what do you want? take anything you want and just go away." she pleads as her heart beats out of rhythm.

he takes another step closer and frowns.

"why do you all keep assuming I want something material?"

as he says the words "you all" she looks at him confused.
"what do you mean you all?" she asks.

realization settles over his face and he taps his fingers on the table as his smile widens.
"oh soojinnie my gullible child!" he sighs "i only want to be closer to my daughter, nothing more. after all we have years of catching up to do"
she squeezes her eyes shut, not wanting to face the nightmare she's been running from finally caught up with her.

"i'll go now, but do expect me in the future. i'll cheer you on, wherever you go, whatever you do, i'll be there, right behind you" he smiles frantically "but let's keep this in the family. after all we don't want anyone else to get hurt." a sudden change in his tone, he warns her before heading out the door.

as the door closes Soojin runs to the bathroom, tears streaming down her face as she throws up all the fear she had forgotten existed inside.


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