A Tale Of Fear

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word prompt 5: fear

"You're going where?!" The three clones winced as Reetha's high pitched voice. They knew they had their sister's wrath coming for them. "What does Ahsoka think about this? What is she going to say?" That was another round of wrath the three were going to have to face after this.

"The Citadel is no place for a Jedi. We cannot let you take that risk. Plus, your wounds from the last battle aren't entirely healed Reetha." Fives strictly said, pointing to Reetha's very obvious bandaged arm. 

"Kriff my wounds! I'm fine and I can handle my own. I'm not letting you guys face danger alone." she huffed and sat herself down on her bed angrily.  

Rex sighed and turned to Echo and Fives. "I told you she wouldn't take it easy." 

"Hello, note that you are still in my room. Go whisper somewhere else." 

The three clones were mentally exhausted battling the hard-headed padawan. Reetha pouted and folded her arms, a clear sign that she wasn't going to stay behind for the mission. Nodding towards her bed, Rex, Fives and Echo huddled around her. 

"You need me out there," Reetha replied softly. " If it's dangerous for me, it would be just as dangerous for you." 

Quietly, Fives pulled Reetha in to hug her. It was a silent understanding that Reetha had gone through some trauma from the last battle. She had met a couple of shiny troopers and instantly clicked with them. During the battle, however, the troopers were boxed in a corner by some droids. Reetha was there defending them, but the droids overpowered her. She would have been dead if it weren't for the men taking the bullets for her. 

After the battle, she was seen cradling the new troopers, mourning over their death. Since then she's been a little overprotective of her brothers. They understood why. 

As gentle as he could, the ARC trooper smoothed Reetha's dark curly hair. "Hey there ner vod'ika (my little sister)" 

Reetha tilted her head upwards to look at Fives, still a little grumpy. "As much as we want you to join us on every mission, mostly to keep you out of trouble, this is one we simply won't risk." 

"Vod, we nearly lost you during the previous mission. It scared us to the bone and I don't want to go through that heart attack again." Echo carefully kneeled in front of the girl and held her small hands in his, rubbing his thumb on the back of her had tenderly. 

Reetha looked to Rex last. "You're not going to change your mind?" She asked hopefully. Rex mustered a small smile. "Nope. No sir.. Nope, nada. N.O" Reetha rolled her eyes and chuckled. 

"Fine." she answered after a while. "Fine. But you lot better come back to me in one piece. Otherwise I will hunt you down and bring you back from wherever you are. That includes the afterlife." She jabbed a finger at Rex's cheek. 

"What do you think guys. Seems like we're in for a lot of trouble." Fives joked along. 

Echo joined in "However will we escape her mighty wrath." 

Reetha hummed. "Deserves you. If I can't be there to protect you, it's the least I can do." 

The captain only shook his head at the three. "We best be getting rest. Got a big day tomorrow." 

Fives and Echo nodded and turned to the door, wishing Reetha goodnight. Rex ruffled her hair before leaving. Once the door to her room shut, Reetha laid on her bed and stared at the plain wall. She just couldn't push away the feeling that she needed to be there. Something was nagging as the back of her brain, telling her that something wrong is going to happen during the mission. Her instincts told her to stow away onto the mission but after her brothers visit, she pushed the dreaded feeling as unnecessary worry. 

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