Part 2

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John was stupid. He was very stupid. Of course being lost in his thoughts all night would make him forget that tonight was a full moon. He walked through the clogged halls of Wellston as students stared at him in fear and scampered out of his way to make a path for him. Of course there were the few gossipers that would talk about him thinking he couldn't hear, but his heightened hearing made their voices loud and clear. Especially today.

John didn't care about anything or anyone today. His hearing had enhanced so much during full moons that just someone lightly tapping their pencil on their desk would sound like an explosion was lit off next to his ear and the noises just rattled his brain and rang throughout his head. He was also more jumpy and paranoid, which didn't help him at all since he was already paranoid as heck on a normal day. Not that he was fully aware of it. 

His body ached and he had to focus all his attention on not shifting right there in that hallway. His nose was being flooded with scents, noises pounded through his skull, and his body was nearly shaking as he grabbed one of his greenish-blue sleeved arms and pinched himself to keep his animalistic side at bay. 

The ravenette whimpered softly to himself as he approached his classroom door. He just wanted to leave, but this specific teacher was forcing him to come in as he literally had a 27% in the class. He had kinda just given up on school.

Meanwhile, a certain magenta-haired girl was resting her cheek against her palm with her elbow on her desk while twirling a lock of her magenta hair from one of her extensions around her finger.

'This class is so boring. I already know all the material.' She internally groaned before snapping back to her full attention when the brown-haired teacher called on her.

"Seraphina! What's the answer to question three?" He asked, looking at her with narrowed green eyes. He clearly thought she was zoned out the whole time, which she kind of was.

"56." She answered without hesitation. The teacher widened his eyes slightly in shock before composing himself.

"That is correct." He replied, adjusting his square glasses as he turned back towards the board.

Seraphina smirked to herself.

'Too easy.' She thought, closing her blue eyes and leaning back in her seat. However, she failed to notice a certain ravenette rush into the classroom without acknowledging the teacher, who just waved him off, and sat next to her in his seat.

She opened her eyes to look at the source of the sudden noise beside her and nearly choked on her own saliva.

'Crap! Why is he here?! He usually ditches.' The young female sighed, and yet she didn't have the heart to glare at him when he looked her way. She returned his gaze only to realize that he was looking over her head and out the window instead of at her. Desperation was showing clear as day in his golden eyes.

'Huh.' She thought. This was the first time she could read him like she used to be able to in a long time. In fact, she could read his whole body language, and she could tell he wanted out. His pupils kept shrinking and dilating, and with every small noise that someone made in the classroom, he would snap his head up and stare towards the source of the noise as if it was so loud that it startled the heck out of him. He would also stare daggers into his desk and shiver ever so subtly, but Seraphina still noticed it.

She scrunched her face up in slight worry as she willed his golden eyes to meet her azure ones. She just wanted him to open up to her at least once dang it! No matter what he did to her, even after he nearly blew up the Safe House, even after he almost socked her in the face, she still cared about him deep down. 

She had seen it. When he went to hit her, she saw the hesitation in his moves, even if it was only for a second. She saw, for that second, unbearable pain and fright flash across his eyes, and that just made her more determined to help him.

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