Izuku just wants some peanut butter toast

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> Izuku's POV <

Izuku was bored. He could think of nothing else to do. So all he did was lie on top of bed he would be sleeping in. He was so bored he was considering breaking his bones, just to do something and talk to someone. But he knew that was a bad idea plus he didn't feel like getting scolded by Recovery Girl anytime soon.

Izuku then decided that he didn't care if Katsuki found out about his little act he had on or that if Katsuki blew up at him, he was hungry, bored and suddenly craving peanut butter toast. So like the little shit he secretly was, he walked down to the kitchen, to get some food and pull and prank on Katsuki.

Walking into the kitchen, past the living room, Izuku notes Katsuki still sitting on the couch, playing minecraft, with the Bakusquad.

'Perfect,' Izuku thought, 'it doesn't look like he's gonna move anytime soon'. And with that, Izuku continued to look for some food with a menacing smile on his face, as he thought of good pranks that would surely annoy the blonde.

After sometime looking through the kitchen, Izuku had found some slightly stale bread that he was sure was edible, and four jars of peanut butter that had somehow gone off. By now Izuku was getting hangry.

However Izuku was determined, he was craving peanut butter toast and he wasn't going to let four off jars put him off, he was going to find some that was edible and in-date. Even if it meant trashing the Bakugou's kitchen in the process. Izuku was not going to give up.




It had been 15 minutes. Izuku was still looking for the peanut butter, he was sure they had some more. He was hangry and determined, at this point an angry Katsuki Bakugou wouldn't be able to stop him.

Finally, on the tallest shelf was the last jar of peanut butter. It was a bitch to get to because of how high up it was. But now it was in his hands and---- 'yes! It was in-date!' Izuku celebrated in his head, his hangriness gone, replaced with only hunger.

Izuku opened the jar, craving the western food, and looked into the jar, mouth watering and a happy smile on his face, ready to have a tasty snack. But as soon as he got a good look into the jar, his face morphed into one of disgust, horror, fear even.

"WHAT THE FUCK!!!!!!" Izuku yelled for the whole house to hear, "WHY ARE THERE MAGGOTS IN THE PEANUT BUTTER?!?!?"

Izuku was now sitting on the kitchen floor, angrily mumbling as tears threatened to fall as he munched on his toast, with absolutely nothing on it. And that was when Katsuki stomped into the kitchen, angry at the yelling.




word count: 475
Authors note: just saying that updates aren't regular but I'll try to post often if I don't forget

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