A Gamble With Polyjuice

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"Of course," Draco said, bringing her hand up to his lips and kissing it. "We just worry."

As it turned out, Draco's worry was well placed. He'd arrived at the Ministry with Hermione early the next morning and hardly looked at the case file and site photos before marching down to Potter's office. Although unannounced and uninvited, Draco threw open Potter's door and walked straight up to his desk without preamble.

"You sent Hermione out on a field case that involves a known Death Eater alone," he snapped, glaring down at him.

"It is her job, Malfoy," Potter said. He crossed his arms and looked up at Draco blankly. "You weren't here and there was a body. There was an entire team with her setting the perimeter if it's any consolation."

"It's not," Draco said sharply. Potter's eyes narrowed.

"What's this about?"

"I already told you, Potter," Draco said irritatedly. "You sent her out alone on a field case with—"

"Yeah, yeah, I know," Potter said, waving his hand flippantly. "But I've done that before and the worst I get from you is a glare." At this, Draco glared and Potter gestured at him to prove his point. Ever the bright one, though, Potter didn't let it stop him from getting to his other point. "Something's different this time."

Draco held his gaze for several seconds.

"What is it, Malfoy? What's different about it this time?" Potter demanded, sitting up in his chair.

"Whoever did it was a Death Eater," Draco hissed. Potter frowned and opened his mouth, but Draco interrupted. "A real Death Eater, Potter, not just some wannabe. Not even I could cast morsmordre until I got the mark, so whoever it is escaped Azkaban silently or was never sent there in the first place. It's likely they've gained a small following in the past few years too."

Draco watched the realisation land on Potter and as soon as he saw it hit, he ploughed on.

"Hermione and I just went public and now there's a muggle murdered just a few blocks from where she grew up," Draco said, glaring at him harder. Hermione hadn't said anything about it, but he'd made the connection immediately. "That's no coincidence."

"I see," Potter said slowly, looking up at Draco. "I'll take her off the case if you want, but she won't be happy about it."

"I don't care," Draco said without hesitation. "Tell her it was me for all I care but for Merlin's sake, Potter, if she's ever hurt on a field case because you sent her out alone—"

"You don't get to threaten me, Malfoy," Potter interrupted sharply. "Especially not when it comes to Hermione's safety, understand?"

The room was silent and tense as the two glared at each other. Even when they were interrupted by a memo flying in and landing on Potter's desk, neither of them looked away. It wasn't until Potter's assistant poked her head into his office to announce he had a visitor that they finally ceased.

"Send them in, Peterson," Potter instructed, not looking away from Draco. As soon as his assistant stepped out of the room, he ordered Draco out.

"Never do what you did yesterday again," Draco hissed before turning sharply on his heel and leaving the office.

* * * * *

The murder was on the front page of the Daily Prophet two days after it happened. In all honesty, Hermione was a little surprised it had stayed hidden as long as it did. The Ministry had never been particularly good at keeping sensitive cases from the press and it was really only a matter of time before word got out, so when Hermione opened the newspaper two days after, she wasn't shocked.

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