"you're finally gonna catch a cold one of these days"

at the familiar deep voice she suddenly turns around and when she sees Min Yoongi leaning against the balcony door hands in pockets, head tilted to the side just looking at her she freezes in place.
but as the young man offers her a smile and steps out to the balcony she feels the icicles holding her in place melt away.

"Mr min!" she nods her head in greeting.
He stops next to her and they both turn back towards the view.
a comfortable silence fills the air around them except for the weak pulsing beat of the music that can still be heard.

"i used to live here"

at the unexpected declaration Soojin turns to look at her boss but his eyes are fixed on the city. she senses a sudden vulnerability but Yoongi collects himself.

"but hoseok is too much for me" Yoongi gestures to the party going on behind them before turning around and leaning against the railing, arms crossed.

"but still you decided to attend this one?" she asks in a teasing tone.
Yoongi catches her tone and breaks into a laugh and runs a hand through his jaw "actually Namjoon dragged me here. i was okay being left alone in my studio"

at the mention of his name he pops inside the balcony, holding one drink in each hand.
"Hyung, i've been looking all over for you! you just disappeared into thin air!"

At the sight of Soojin, Namjoon smiles warmly.
"ah Soojinah! great to see you here!" he says before he raises his brows and smiles at Yoongi who runs a hand through his silky silver hair looking away as if he's just been busted!

He hands him one of the drinks and offers the other one to Soojin. "no thank you, i don't drink" she politely puts a hand up while Yoongi downs his glass in a blink of an eye!

"oh! me neither, i'm driving tonight." Namjoon bobs his head in agreement.
Yoongi reaches out and takes the other drink from him "then i'll take that one too" and downs that in one sudden move too.

"oookay, i'll head inside it's too cold here" namjoon says awkwardly as he walks away with the empty glasses in hand.

Just then a wind blows and Soojin hugs herself a bit tighter. "we should go in too" Yoongi gestures towards the door and the girl steps inside the apartment.

She sits on a coach furthest from the crowd and Yoongi walks to the mini bar that's set under the window. Soojin swallows and looks at him, completely surprised by the way the man drank two glasses of whiskey in a matter of seconds without even flinching and now is going for another.

Yoongi takes a deep breath as he takes the bottle in his cold hands, he grabs a glass and pours himself a generous amount. he walks back towards where Soojin is sitting, and casually takes a sip in hopes that the magic juice would calm his nerves down!

He sets the drink on the glass table and takes his leather jacket off and smooths his plain white tight shirt before sitting down on the same couch. only a small space away from her.

As he reaches out to pick his drink up, his arm stretches and a single tattoo of a small inscription behind his bicep catches Soojin's eye.

She can't read the word as he leans back in the couch. She feels like as he just removed a layer he's also revealed a new side to him and it makes her both excited and scared.

"I listened to your demo today. for a demo, you sounded amazing" he smiles and looks at the drink in his hand.
"thank you" she excitedly replies to the compliment that she had thought about a lot over the past few weeks.

"i can't wait for the original recording now" he takes another sip of his drink, slowly feeling his body warm up and more at ease.

Soojin turns in her seat toward him and the movement catches his eye.
"actually i was goin-" her words are cut short as her phone starts ringing next to her on the couch.

by instinct they both look at the screen to see an unknown number calling. her face visibly goes pale and the air around her shifts.
a few seconds passes and she neither picks up nor cancels the call.

"are you gonna take that?" Yoongi asks looking at the distraught the call has obviously brought the girl.

"no. it's just prank calls, i get a lot of those" she laughs and waves her hands, but the gesture doesn't reach her eyes and Yoongi is not convinced.

"i can answer for you. maybe that'll scare them off!" he extends his hand, but she immediately grabs the phone and silences the ringtone.
"No! it's really okay." she says in a more firm tone before shoving the phone in her purse.

Yoongi frowns and looks away either because she's lying to his face or he feels useless in terms of helping her.

"nothing will sacre them off, believe me" she says in a hushed voice but Yoongi's sitting close enough to hear that.

He doesn't know how to respond or what to make of that, but at the thought of Soojin's discomfort or fear a new alarm has gone off inside his head.


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