"How are you adjusting to your schedule?" he suddenly asks and she immediately turns her head in his direction at the sound of the question.

"it's alright Mr Min, i'm really grateful for this opportunity" she nods politely before turning her attention back towards the shimmering reflections of the moon in the lake to her right.

Yoongi takes a moment to come up with another question not sure how to pick a topic without sounding desperate for information.
he takes his jaw in his hand resting his elbow on the table. He looks at the girl who's admiring the view that now has a faint smile over her lips.

"Had you ever been to Seoul before?" He says with a beating heart as he leans back against the chair, cursing himself in his head again as he considers his question "a stupid one"!

"yes Mr Min, I traveled here one summer with my mother, when I was 8. but, that's the only time" She looks around the restaurant with a sad smile "i have blurry memories but i can tell the city has changed a lot" she nods her head in appreciation and looks him in the eyes.

Once again they lock eyes over the table. but this time neither of them breaks the gaze. he starts leaning closer as if to say something and just then the waiter arrives with their orders.

Yoongi looks visibly irritated but sits back and says nothing. Soojin on the other hand takes her plate from the waiter and smiles warmly at him "Thank you sir"
"you're most welcomed ma'am" he returns the smile.

Yoongi finds himself staring at the waiter serving them their food. the young boy catches his gaze and at the intense way he's looking him up and down the waiter hurriedly moves away. but Soojin doesn't seem to notice.
they both grab their utensils and dig into the dishes in front of them.

"you mentioned your mother, did she move here with you as well?" he says before putting a salmon roll inside his mouth.
"No sir, unfortunately she's passed away." she looks down at her food, her expression unreadable.

"I'm so sorry. i-" He swallows hard and apologetically looks at her.
"no it's alright, you couldn't have known." she gestures with her hand and puts on her most practiced smile. one she's learned to plaster professionally over the years.

Yoongi nods as he puts more food on his plate.
"So are you alone in the city?"

She tenses up at the question at first, but then reminds herself that it's just her boss asking her a question "Yes, it's just me." and she manages to keep a straight face and lets out a sigh that is too short to be heard.

But Yoongi feels horrible. he feels like each time he opens his mouth he's just pushing the girl further away and she's raising the walls around herself higher with each syllable he blurts out.

but for Soojin it's the exact opposite, to her it's as if for the first time in years someone's taken notice of her. Someone feels curious to ask her a question or even cares enough to want to know how she feels.

A comfortable silence falls over the pair as they continue to eat. a mellow song comes on over the speakers around the restaurant and at the sound of it she unconsciously jumps a bit in her seat. "oh, I can play the piano!" she excitedly declares.

Yoongi's frozen in place as he was about to take a bite and at the surprised picture of him looking up while crouched over his plate, unintentionally she lets out a laugh while covering her mouth again.

He can't help but smile at the sound of the young girl's giggle. He swallows the bite and looks at her directly. "me too!"

With the discovery of the fact in common, the ice around them cracks and they both loosen up. Holding out a decent conversation through out the night, as they mostly bond over music by the time they're done with their food, they both feel as if they know each other a little better.

After another quiet ride but this time to Soojin's apartment, She turns in her seat to open the door but stops short and turns back toward Yoongi who's looking around at the neighborhood.

"Mr Min Thank you for the food, and the conversation."
Yoongi turns his head towards her and gives her a small smile that doesn't quite reach his eyes. She reaches around her neck to take off the scarf but he immediately holds up a hand to stop her. "it's okay, you should keep it"
"oh no I couldn't" and she tries to take it off anyways.

against his better judgment he reaches out and gently puts a hand on her wrist "I insist."

he says before immediately taking his hand off. it was barely a touch but he feels as if all of his blood has rushed to his fingertips.
Soojin on the other hand just stares at her boss for a few seconds before opening the door.

He looks at her walk out the car and wishes there was something he could say or do to make her hold back a few moments longer.
She stands at the curb looking back at him wishing he would ask another dumb question just so they could talk a minute longer.

"Goodnight Ms Lee."
"Goodnight Mr Min."

The range rover speeds away as she turns and heads upstairs not aware of the fact that this whole time she's been gently holding her wrist close to her chest with her hand.


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