"I need to call the detective," Toshinori said shakily before opening his phone and dialling a number, Inko messaged a series of numbers.


"What happened? Why'd you call me saying your son was missing?" asked a man in a brown coat as he walked into the house, only to be met by EraserHead, Gran Torino, Endeavour and his family and finally, the Bakugo family. The Yagi's sat on a couch being consoled by the group.

"Because that's what's happened, Detective Tsukauchi," Endeavour said calmly (He's a good dad in this, he also doesn't mind Spider-Man as long as he's helping people non-lethaly).

"Can I see his room for evidence?" Tsukauchi asked

"O-okay," Inko said shakily.

"We're coming too," the others said, the Yagi's led them to Izuku's room, everyone was horrified at the sight, Katsumi and Shoka collapsed to the floor in tears, Endeavour grabbed Toshinori by the collar.

"Are you trying to tell me that this is your son's fucking room?" Endeavour aka Enji Todoroki asked infuriated, Toshinori stayed silent while Tsukauchi explored the room

This sickened Tsukauchi to the core, he had seen a lot in his time as a detective, but this was almost too much, he could barely stop himself from throwing up, he noticed a few very important things, the bleach, make-up, the burn cream, the bandages, the blood and finally, 3 pieces of paper laying on his desk, all with names on them. Tsukauchi walked over and picked them up, before acknowledging their existence to the others.

"I found these notes, each of them are addressed to different people," Tsukauchi said.

"Who are they to?" asked Rei, Enji's wife.

"One for the 'Yagi's, Katsuki and Shoto,' one for 'Katsumi and Shoka,' and one for the rest of the people here," Tsukauchi explained, Natsuo, one of Enji's sons walked up and looked at it. 

"The handwriting is definitely his, so he ran away," Natsuo reasoned.

"But, why would he do that?" Inko asked.

"Are you fucking kidding me?!" Enji shouted, "just seeing his room is enough to know," he yelled.

"I think that the Yagi's note should be read out loud, Tsukauchi," EraserHead aka Shota Aizawa said, barely holding in his rage.

"I agree," Gran Torino aka Sorahiko Torino said, in the same state as Shota, Tsukauchi nodded, unfolding the paper.

"Wait, don't you think we deserve the privacy?" Toshinori asked, only to recieve an immediate 'no', Tsukauchi cleared his throat.

"Yagi's, Katsuki and Shoto,

I'll keep this plain and simple, fuck you.

It has been 10 years since I was deemed quirkless, as soon as you were aware, you treated me like trash, Inko, you forgot me, Izumi, Shoto and Katsuki, you all attacked me with your quirks and laughed when Izumi gave me that advice, and Toshinori, or should I say, All Might... you always say that everyone can be a hero and yet, when it comes to the quirkless and your son, they can't? What the fuck. You have no right to say that I don't have a heroic spirit or that I'm not worthy of inheriting 'O.F.A.'. Yeah, I heard yours and Izumi's conversation.

By the way, did you know that I've been doing jobs for our neighbours for the past 9 years just so I could afford anything? I have worked to eat, maintain my health and try and keep the three pieces of shit that tortured me over the past 10 years safe just so that they still had a chance to become heroes. Hell I paid for my own birthday gifts, the only members of our family that remembered me were uncle Shota and Grandpa Torino.

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